Student Loans and BAföG
Loans are available for various phases of your studies. In addition to BAföG, several public institutions offer low interest loans to students who either do not qualify for the BafÖG or are unable to work while studying. The purpose is to help students successfully complete their studies.

BAföG refers to the law regulating financial support for students at secondary schools or universities. Applications for BAföG can only by submitted to the Financial Aid Office at the Munich Student Union. There you can also receive advice and assistance on how to apply for BaföG. For the confirmation of credits or other issues specifically concerning your degree program, please contact the student office or departmental student advising office of your school.
Here you can find an overview of contact persons at your school (please login with your TUM ID).
Educational Loan
For students in advanced semesters: Students who have successfully completed the intermediate examinations or a comparable mid-point of their degree program can apply for an educational loan through the German state. More
Final Semesters Loan
For your last semesters: Students in the last two to four semesters of their studies (depending on the degree program) can apply to the loan association of the Bayerischen Studentenwerke for a loan to help them as they complete their studies. More
Nonrevolving loan
The loan office of the bavarian student unions offers a nonrevolving loan to cover important expenses related to your studies - from research material to deposits or tuition fees during your semester abroad. More
Loans from private banks
Get informed: Student loans are also available through private banks. We recommend that you inform yourself thoroughly before taking out a private student loan.
KfW Student Loan
For your first semester: Students can apply loan at the start of their studies directly to the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW). More
Study Credit Advice Service
of the Student Union
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