Gallery of Tesera / HRIS Videos
Tesera / HRIS
Founded in 1997, Tesera is an employee-owned technology company. Our team reflects a unique combination of forestry and data IT skills and experience. We offer the most reliable, accurate, scalable, timely and cost-effective high resolution inventory solutions.
(2:16 minutes)
A high-level overview of the various steps used to develop (in collaboration with Perimeter Forests) a new forest inventory geodatabase over the productive forest portions of the mixedwood Painted Forest in the central Algoma District (about 80 km NE of Sault Ste. Marie.
(3:39 minutes)
HRIS and
Over multiple projects and diverse forest conditions, HRIS is more accurate, with an increase in predictive accuracy of 66% (or three time as accurate). A conventional ground plot-based inventory would need at least 9 times the number of ground plots.
(5:03 minutes)
HRIS and
Enhanced Forest Inventory (EFI) and Individual Tree Inventory (ITI) are forest inventory approaches for collecting and analyzing data. HRIS provides the best of both worlds (combining EFI and ITI) in a single, unique and powerful forest and natural resource inventory.
(2:08 minutes)
HRIS and
Inventories play a critical role in the context of global climate change. They support sustainable forest management, contribute to biodiversity, conservation, and are essential for informed policy-making and international climate commitments.
(2:48 minutes)