Video Onboarding

All developers with an active trial or commercial license have access to a Kendo UI for Angular Getting Started Video Course available in Telerik's Video Courses. The course is developed to help you get started with Kendo UI for Angular. It will put you in the shoes of an engineer and you will add new components and features to an existing Angular application.

ninja-iconKendo UI for Angular is a professional grade UI library with 110+ components for building modern and feature-rich applications. To try it out sign up for a free 30-day trial.Start Free Trial

The video course starts with adding basic Kendo UI for Angular components to an Angular application and shows how to harness the power of Kendo UI for Angular in no time. Further, you get into more advanced components, such as Chart, Data Grid, and Scheduler. You will learn how to incorporate Kendo UI for Angular components to interact with existing functionality and with each other. Finally, the course explores how to build your own theme and change it for all components at once.

Course Overview

The next video shares a glimpse of the format and structure of the whole training and provides a brief overview of what you will accomplish by following the steps.

Project Overview

This video explains the details around the project you will be modifying—what it is, what needs to be added, and what the accomplished state will look like.

Onboarding Modules

The Kendo UI for Angular technical online training has an approximate duration of 3 hours and is split into eight modules with the following learning path:

  • Chapter 1: Welcome (Course Overview, Introduction of Kendo UI for Angular, Prerequisites, Tour of the Finished Application)
  • Chapter 2: Getting Started (What Are We Building, Sample Code, Running the API and Sample App)
  • Chapter 3: Kendo and the Angular CLI (Kendo UI for Angular Components, Component Installation, CLI-Driven Workflow, Buttons Module Example, Licensing)
  • Chapter 4: Basic UI Components (Inputs, Add Item Form Inputs and TextArea, Details Form Dropdowns and Dropdown Template, Details Form Slider, TabStrip Layout, Dashboard Filter ComboBox)
  • Chapter 5: Chart (Chart Anatomy and Setup, Chart Data Setup, Adding a Chart, Chart Series, Chart Categories)
  • Chapter 6: Data Grid (Grid Setup, Rendering, Column Definitions, Row Selection, Grid Paging, Grid Sorting, Data Query State)
  • Chapter 7: Scheduler (Scheduler Setup, Views and Defaults, Editing)
  • Chapter 8: Styling and Themes (Changing the Theme, ThemeBuilder, Icons)

If you wish to learn more and continue with the video onboarding, enroll in the training from the Video Courses.

In this article
Course OverviewProject OverviewOnboarding Modules
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