Throughputs per Filter
Using filter throughputs determined in the lab in combination with the measured QE of the flight detectors and sensitivities of WFC3's optics, we have calculated the total system throughput associated with each filter
Plots and tables
WFC3 IR system throughputs for each filter are shown in the plots below.
NOTE: The filter transmission measurements were made in air, not vacuum.
These curves can be used to estimate exposure times and other observing characteristics with the WFC3 ETC.
The plots below show the UVIS Channel throughput for all of the UVIS filters. These plots use the current flight detector, UVIS1.
These curves can be used to estimate exposure times and other observing characteristics with the WFC3 ETC.
Below are the ZIP files containing the throughputs for each filter for the WFC3 UVIS1 and UVIS2 detectors and for the IR detector as ASCII and FITS tables as calculated at a reference time, June 26, 2009, i.e. approximately when WFC3 was installed on HST.
These values were derived with STsynphot by using filter and correction files from the latest photometric calibration released on October 2020 (Bajaj et al 2020, Calamida et al. 2021). For more information on the latest photometric calibration please see the Photometric calibration webpage.
Please see the WFC3 Exposure Time Calculator page.
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