International Theological Council
The International Theological Council (ITC) serves the General and the global Salvation Army by being faithful custodians of Army doctrinal positions, whether those positions are to be found in the eleven Articles of Faith, in official Army publications, or in formal statements approved by the General.
About us
- The ITC approaches all assignments entrusted to it bearing in mind the need to affirm, promote and safeguard the Army’s identity and role under God, in keeping with the council’s stewardship responsibilities toward Salvationist doctrinal, theological and ecclesiological positions.
- The ITC recommends ways in which Army beliefs and doctrines might be taught and understood across the Army world, including international/zonal/territorial events, and through printed and electronic publications, keeping in mind the needs respectively of soldiers, cadets and officers.
- The ITC advises the General on matters pertaining to the theological education of Salvationists, and especially of officers on active service.
- The ITC assists the General in responding to current doctrinal, theological and ecclesiological issues.
- The ITC, as approved by the General, enters into conversations or interacts with other churches, ecumenical organisations and religious or similar bodies, proceeding in a manner consistent with the doctrinal and other official positions of the Army, and in accordance with Army protocols. Such exchanges may be structured or unstructured, formal or informal. The ITC makes recommendations to the General prior to the onset of such conversations with regard to rationale, expected outcomes, and any other key aspects.
- The ITC engages with other Army international boards and councils as appropriate in the furtherance of ITC purposes.
- The ITC keeps abreast of theological trends, maintaining appropriate contacts with relevant institutions and academics both inside and beyond the Army.
Council Members

Lieut-Colonel Dr Karen Shakespeare, Chair of the ITC, has served in a variety of appointments at corps, divisional and territorial headquarters, International Headquarters, William Booth College and SALT College of Africa. She has been a member of the ITC since 2003.
Lieut-Colonel Shakespeare is married to David and has two married officer daughters and five grandchildren. Her commitment to officer development has been enriched and sharpened by practical experience and academic study; she believes that who we are, what we know and believe, and what we do blend together to form us and bring growth.

Commissioner Johnny Kleman, Vice-Chair of the ITC, was born in Borås, Sweden and married Eva after his commissioning 1982. They served together in corps and divisional appointments before 1997 when he was appointed to teach at the School for Officer Training in Sweden, later becoming Principal. In 2007 was he appointed as Secretary for Programme in the Finland & Estonia Territory.
After serving as Chief Secretary in Sweden and Latvia Territory, Territorial Commander for Finland and Estonia Territory and Territorial Commander for Sweden and Latvia Territory, Commissioner Kleman was appointed as International Secretary for the Europe Zone. He is currently serving at the School for Officer Training in Sweden. His academic background is in Theology, Philosophy and Education. He is the co-author of A Sacramental Army.

Lieut-Colonel Gerardo Gochez, Secretary of the ITC since January 2022, is from Costa Rica. He holds a BA in Ecclesiastical Resources Management and a BA (Hons) in Pastoral Care with Psychology from London.
Having served and facilitated efforts across all five continents, including at The Salvation Army International Headquarters in London, England, and passionate about bringing Jesus to people, he is currently working on a master’s degree in Intercultural Studies. Lieut-Colonel Gochez also serves as the Territorial Leader for Officer Development in Mexico Territory.

Lieut-Colonel Celestin Ayabagabo is an officer of Rwanda and Burundi Command, trained and commissioned in Congo-Brazzaville in the Bridge Builders Session (2002-2004). He served as a corps, section, and district officer, then as acting property/statistics administrator, before moving to Kenya West Territory in 2010. He was appointed as Senior French tutor at SALT College of Africa in 2014 and Principal of the Officers Training College in Rwanda and Burundi in 2016. He is currently Chief Secretary of Congo Brazzaville Territory.
Lieut-Colonel Ayabagabo holds a diploma in teaching from Rambura Complex School (Rwanda), a diploma in business management from the Kenya Institute of Management, a certificate in Salvation Army ministry and a diploma in Salvation Army accounting and finances from SALT College of Africa, and a bachelor’s degree in management and leadership from the Management University of Africa (Kenya). He speaks French, English, Kiswahili, Kinyarwanda and Kirundi.
Lieut-Colonel Ayabagabo is passionate about preaching and teaching. Reading music is his weak field, but he enjoys singing in groups. Married to Beatrice, the couple has five children (three sons and two daughters). In his spare time, he loves gardening, watching TV and cooking.

Coralie Bridle is a disciple of Jesus Christ, a lifelong Salvationist and attends the Auckland City Corps in New Zealand. Oncology nursing and palliative care have formed the backbone of her career. Her three adult children and two grandsons, keep her grounded amidst the complexities of modern life. She serves on the International Theological Council for the Salvation Army and the Moral and Social Issues Council in New Zealand.
Coralie holds a master’s degree in theology with a thesis focused on cognitive impairment, conversion, and citizenship within The Salvation Army. She is currently working on her PhD with a view to developing a framework for support and ministry with people living with complex disabilities within The Salvation Army.

Lieut-Colonel Nick Coke is an officer from the United Kingdom and Ireland Territory. He was born and raised in the UK and lived for a time in Switzerland. He was commissioned in 2000 and has served in a variety of appointments including as a divisional youth officer, a practitioner tutor at William Booth College, and refugee response coordinator. He planted a new corps with his wife Kerry in the East End of London over a 12-year period. He is currently Secretary for Communications for the United Kingdom and Ireland Territory.
Lieut-Colonel Coke completed an MA in Contemporary Mission Studies in 2008 and has written widely for the One Army resource material and The Officer magazine. He likes nothing more than listening to his ever-growing record collection, whilst theologically reflecting on the state of the world.

Lieut-Colonel Nigel J Cross was born in Christchurch, New Zealand and immigrated to the United States in 1990 where he became a naturalized citizen in June 2003. While in New Zealand he attained a Bachelor of Music degree and a Bachelor of Arts in psychology and religious studies from the University of Canterbury. While serving as a Junior High School teacher he was awarded a National Scholarship to study abroad at the University of Kansas where he completed a Master of Music Education in Music Therapy. The Salvation Army employed him first as a Divisional Music Director in Kansas but after two years he transferred to a similar position in Seattle, WA. While in Seattle he completed a Master of Divinity degree from Fuller Theological Seminary and met his wife, Stacy. They were married in 1999 and in 2003 they both became officers in The Salvation Army serving in corps, at the College for Officer Training and Divisional Headquarters. He completed his Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in 2009.
Lieut-Colonel Cross is currently Chief Secretary in Singapore, Malaysia, Myanmar and Thailand Territory.

Colonel Donna Evans is a follower of Jesus who is passionate about journeying with people and communicating theology in an understandable way. Married to Stu, they have four beautiful children and six precious grandchildren. She loves reading, and is currently enjoying exploring the writings of the feminist theologian, Elizabeth Johnson.
Colonel Evans is an Australian Salvation Army Officer who has enjoyed varied appointments at corps, DHQ and a five year term at Booth College. Until early 2017 she was serving in the Netherlands and Czech Republic as Territorial Secretary of Education and Training, and she is currently Chief Secretary in The Netherlands, Czech Republic and Slovakia Territory.

Petra Kjellen Brooke is an active Salvationist in Moss Corps in Norway. She is a trained nurse and has a master's degree in Diakonia (Christian social science). Petra has worked for The Salvation Army's social services for more than ten years. She has held positions as an advisor for social work institutions and project development and as the coordinator for The Salvation Army's anti trafficking work in the Norwegian territory.
Petra is currently working on a PhD researching corps-based social work and is a senior advisor in Salvation Army social services. Petra is married to Martin and they have two boys.

Captain Dorothy Macwan is an officer from the India Western Territory. She is married to Captain Christopher Macwan, and was commissioned with him as part of the Joyful Intercessors Session (2015-17). She is currently serving as Assistant Under Secretary for the South Asia Zone at IHQ.
Captain Macwan gives thanks for God's love and divine provision after a successful kidney transplant. She prays that God will use her, and the entire International Theological Council, to bring glory and honour to his holy name and revival through the revelation of the Word.

Major Arif Masih was born in 1968 in Lahore Pakistan. His early education was in Lahore, and he completed his Bachelor of Theology from Gujranwala Theological Seminary in 1990. His thesis was on the topic: 'Comparison between Muslim and Christian married life'. He served as a Presbyterian pastor for three years in Gujranwala. He and his wife Samina worked for The Salvation Army at Jhamka Corps before training as part of the Messengers of Love Session.
Major Masih served as a corps officer and youth officer at Tanda and Peshawar. He served at the Training College as field training officer, senior training officer and acting training principal, before being appointed to Kohat Corps. He is currently serving as Secretary for Spiritual Life Development in Pakistan Territory. He and Samina have two sons, a daughter, a daughter-in-law and a granddaughter.

Major Louise Mavouna Nkouka (born Matondo) was trained in the Messengers of Joy Session (1986-1988). She has served as a corps officer, health centre assistant, literacy programme coordinator, territorial secretary of biblical class, divisional director of women’s ministries, private secretary to the Congo Brazzaville Territorial Commander, HIV/Aids and prayer coordinator, assistant extension training offer and coordinator of human sexuality.
Major Mavouna holds a diploma in Salvation Army Women’s Ministries from SALT College of Africa and a bachelor’s degree in theology from the Protestant University of Brazzaville. She is currently the assistant principal and education officer at the training college for officers and a territorial contact for modern slavery and human trafficking. She is married to Major François Mavouna Nkouka. They have one son, who is also an officer.

Commissioner Jane Paone is proud of her Scottish roots, changing homes frequently with her officer parents. After having worked as a bilingual secretary for a French oil company, she entered training college in London to become a Salvation Army officer. Commissioned in 1982, Commissioner Paone has served, along with her Italian husband Massimo, in the UK, Italy, France and Switzerland. As Command leaders, they gave oversight to the opening of the Army’s work in Greece. They then served as Territorial leaders in France and Belgium and then in Switzerland, Austria and Hungary Territory. In this appointment, Commissioner Paone was also Senior International Social Justice Coordinator (Europe).
Officially 'retired' in July 2020, since November 2021, Commissioner Paone has been appointed as Secretary for International Ecumenical Relations. She is fluent in Italian and French, with some German knowledge, and longs to communicate her love for God and people in whatever language.

Colonel (Dr) Bishow Samhika is Principal of the International College for Officers. He is a Zimbabwean by nationality and belongs to the Messengers of the Truth session. He has served together with his wife in three corps appointments for 12 years. This was followed with Institutional appointments at the Officers Training College first as the Home Officer, then as the Academic Dean. Then he served at SALT College of Africa as the Director of Studies. In 2011, he went together with his wife for international service in Mozambique Territory where he served as Divisional Commander. Then from Mozambique he was appointed Principal of SALT College of Africa and Resource Centre (IHQ) based in Kenya. He served at SALT College for six years being involved in leader development programs in the Africa Zone.
Beside ministry experience, Colonel Samhika also carries teaching and lecturing experience at the University of Zimbabwe and Midlands State University. He holds a PhD (University of Nairobi) in Religious Studies (area of focus being Biblical studies), MA in Religious Studies, and BA Honours in Religious Studies (University of Zimbabwe). He is married to Pamela and blessed with a daughter and a son. As a theologian who specialised in Biblical Studies, he shares the passion for contextual biblical interpretation. His time is mostly spent on 'Reflection on defining moments of life, risking and investing on those things that last'.

Colonel Wendy Swan, PhD is Canadian by birth and global citizen by choice. Her 26 years of international service reflect her commitment to the global body of Christ.
Colonel Swan presently serves as Director of the International Social Justice Commission, Chair of the International Moral and Social Issues Council and as a member of the International Theological Council. Her PhD (Systematic Theology – King’s College, London) articulated a theology of protest for The Salvation Army in its fight against injustices amongst the poor and marginalised of the world. She is the author of Living Right While Righting Wrong – A Salvationist Theology of Protest. Colonel Swan loves music, travel and baking.
The International Theological Council uses consultants as required for specific subjects.