A Linux® distribution, or distro, is an installable operating system built from the Linux kernel, supporting user programs, and libraries. Each vendor or community's version is a distro.
Because the Linux operating system is open sourced and released under the GNU General Public License (GPL), anyone can run, study, modify, and redistribute the source code, or even sell copies of their modified code. This differs greatly from traditional operating systems—HP-UX, Microsoft Windows, and macOS—which are proprietary and far less modifiable.
How do I choose a Linux distro?
Choosing the right Linux distribution depends on your use case and tool requirements. Certain Linux distros work better for different purposes. Some distros are designed as desktop environments while others are designed to support backend IT systems (like enterprise or web servers).
When choosing your next Linux distro, your first consideration needs to be whether you need an enterprise Linux distro or a community Linux distro.
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Enterprise vs. community Linux distros
Linux distributions are available as community versions or enterprise versions. A community distro is a free Linux distro primarily supported and maintained by the open source community. An enterprise—or commercial—Linux distro is available through a subscription from a vendor and does not rely solely on community support.
The primary difference between community and enterprise distros is who decides what’s important to users. A community distro’s direction is set by contributors, who choose and maintain packages from the wide variety of open source options. The direction of an enterprise distro is set by a vendor, based on the needs of their customers.
Think about it like this. The Fedora project is the upstream, community distro of Red Hat® Enterprise Linux. Red Hat is the project’s primary sponsor, but thousands of independent developers also contribute to the Fedora project. Each of these contributors, including Red Hat, bring their own new ideas to be tested and debated for inclusion by the larger community into Fedora Linux. This also makes Fedora an ideal place for Red Hat to put features through its own distinct set of tests and quality assurance processes, and those features eventually get incorporated into a version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
What are the benefits of an enterprise distro?
If Linux is free and open source, why would you want to pay for a commercial distribution? Community distros are a great option for people who are new to Linux and don’t have much experience with the command line, or who just want to play around and experiment. If you’re trying to support a server for a long period of time, community distros like Fedora might not be the best choice.
Enterprise distros, like Red Hat Enterprise Linux, are designed to meet business needs and concerns. Red Hat Enterprise Linux offers 10-year life cycle support (as opposed to Fedora’s 2 years of support), so you can better support long-term apps. With an enterprise distro, you get patches, updates, upgrades, expert technical support, and access to training and resources. A community distro relies on forum-based support from its community members, and release cycles aren’t always on a regular cadence.
Also with a commercially supported distro, you get the benefits of the latest open source innovation with the stability and support an enterprise needs. Red Hat has a team of engineers to help improve features, reliability, and security to make sure your infrastructure performs and remains stable—no matter your use case and workload.
Popular Linux distros
Arch Linux
Elementary OS
Gentoo Linux
Kali Linux
Linux Mint
Manjaro Linux
MX Linux
Puppy Linux
Ubuntu and all its versions (Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Lubuntu—just to name a few)
Why choose Red Hat for Linux?
Every technology in your IT stack needs to work together. And the workloads need to be portable and scalable across bare metal servers, virtual machines, containers, or private and public clouds. They need a modern, security-focused operating system with long-term support. That operating system is Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
With a standard operating system underlying your workloads, you can easily move them across environments—wherever it makes sense for your business. Red Hat Enterprise Linux gives you a consistent, stable foundation across hybrid cloud deployments, along with built-in manageability and integration with the broader Red Hat management and automation portfolio. You can learn more about how Red Hat Enterprise Linux works for your particular tasks in our learning hub.
An innovative relationship
Developers and Linux enthusiasts flock to Fedora for the latest features and the opportunity to directly collaborate with Red Hat engineers. The Fedora community has thousands of users, contributors, and supporters, who interact through various online forums, email lists, and wikis to support each other. With a rapid development and release cycle, Fedora provides the latest technology on current hardware platforms.
The size and expertise of the Fedora open source community makes it the ideal testing ground for features that eventually get incorporated into Red Hat Enterprise Linux, after Red Hat puts those features through its own set of tests and quality assurance processes that are separate and distinct from those of Fedora.
Why Red Hat?
When enterprises choose Red Hat Enterprise Linux, they begin a relationship with the leading provider of open source solutions. Not only do we offer stable platforms with long support lifecycles, customers also get the benefits of a global engineering, consulting, and support organizations.
A Red Hat subscription gives you access to software and maintenance along with information and support services that span your entire application infrastructure lifecycle and architecture.
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