European Companies Search Engine

Data Services

Mandatory company publications offer an extensive amount of economic information, but researching these documents requires a high level of manual effort.

With Data Services, fully processed company information is made available in one single format for all countries. Use it either for automatic further processing or for seamless integration into your software.
Get to know our customers and discover how our data packages support various applications.

Our Data Services provide structured company information either as data via the Data API, visualizations via the Widget API, as well as via the Quarterly Export Subscription. An affordable Startup Package is available.

Data Services
Integration of Structured Company Information

Per programming interface (API) or download (Export)
More than 73 million companies and 530 million publications
Countries: United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
Data updated daily
Current and historical data
Deep data including financial, marketing & technology performance indicators
Complete and transparent proof of source
Powerful search and filtering capabilities
Fault-tolerant company matching
JSON or XML over HTTPS, JSON or CSV download
Visualizations (via Javascript)
per month
excluding VAT

Data API

The Data API allows direct queries of companies, persons, and publications. Powerful search methods complement the data. Communication takes place via secure HTTPS, whereas the data format is either JSON or XML. The interface is OpenAPI-compliant.

Data API User Guide
Data API Reference Guide

Widget API

Easily incorporate North Data’s visualizations and company information into your products.

All depictions of our website and our Premium Services can be integrated via the Widget API using JavaScript. The design is customizable (including colors, layout, and fonts).

Widget API User Guide (German)

API Packages and Pricing

API fees are comprised of monthly fees and per-request fees. Each month includes 5,000 requests that are free of charge. Your API account will be cross-country, i.e. you will be able to retrieve information for all support countries. Feature support depends on the country and can be looked up in our table of supported countries.

Data API Widget API
Level Monthly fee Features Monthly fee Features
Company base
  • Company base data
  • Company history
  • Segment codes
  • Insolvencies
  • Mergers&Acquisitions
  • Base data
  • Network graph
  • Timeline
  • Publications table
Company base
+ Persons
€750.00 M +
  • Legal representatives
  • Person networks
  • Personal insolvencies
€750.00 M +
  • Person network
  • Vita
Company base
+ Persons
+ Deep Data Finance/Marketing/Tech
€1,000.00 L +
  • Financials
  • Academic Institutions
  • Fundings
  • Patents
  • Trademarks
€1,000.00 L +
  • Bar charts
  • Performance Indicator Table
  • Interactive Balance/P&L Sheets
  • Drilldown

Minimum contract duration of six months. The requests are counted as different companies/persons per calendar month. The monthly basic fee covers the first 5,000 requests. Original texts of publications from the last 36 months included. Original texts from previous publications on request.

Requests of up to Fee per request
0 5,000 included
5,001 20,000 € 0.10
20,001 50,000 € 0.07
50,001 unlimited € 0.05

All prices excl. VAT.

Start-Up Package

Data + Widget API complete €500 per month (excl. VAT), limited to 1,000 requests per month.
The Start-Up Package also includes a license for the North Data Premium Services.

This package is only available to start-ups.

Tax Haven

Officially published company information from Tax Havens is available in all our Data Services variations. The currently supported countries in our data offering are Cyprus, Guernsey, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Malta and Monaco. Detailed information on data availability can be found in our table of supported countries.

As a quarterly export, the complete Tax Haven data set is offered as a single package for the price of one export. Get 5 or more locations for the price of one! Find out more about it on the next section.

Quarterly Export Subscription

Every three months, we generate exports of our entire database. We offer these exports as a quarterly subscription. The data format is JSON and is structurally identical to the format used in the Data API. New: Now also available in CSV format - learn more on our dedicated page.

Our technical documentation explains all the details: Data Services Guide to Quarterly Exports.

Feature support depends on the country and can be looked up in our table of supported countries.Test data for all supported countries and languages ​​is available at the following link (one selected city per country): Download test data.

Package Features Available countries Price
Company base
  • Company base data
  • Company history
  • Segment codes
  • Insolvencies
  • Mergers&Acquisitions
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic (alpha), Denmark (beta), Finland, France (incl. Monaco), Germany, Greece, Israel (alpha), Netherlands (alpha), Norway (beta), Poland, Spain, Sweden (beta), Switzerland (incl. Liechtenstein), United Kingdom (incl. Guernsey, Jersey) €2,250.00
per quarter and country
“Tax Havens“ (incl. Cyprus, Guernsey, Jersey, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco) €2,250.00
per quarter all-in-one
  • Legal representatives
  • Person networks
  • Personal insolvencies
Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic (alpha), Denmark (beta), France (incl. Monaco), Germany, Greece, Norway (beta), Poland, Spain, Sweden (beta), Switzerland (incl. Liechtenstein), United Kingdom (incl. Guernsey, Jersey) €3,750.00
per quarter and country
“Tax Havens“ (incl. Cyprus, Guernsey, Jersey, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco) €3,750.00
per quarter all-in-one
Deep Data Finance/Marketing/Tech
  • Financials
  • Academic Institutions
  • Fundings
  • Patents
  • Trademarks
Austria, Belgium, Denmark (beta), France (incl. Monaco), Germany, Poland, United Kingdom (incl. Guernsey, Jersey) €4,950.00
per quarter and country
“Tax Havens“ (incl. Cyprus, Guernsey, Jersey, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco) €4,950.00
per quarter all-in-one
Original publication texts upon request

Minimum contract duration of 12 months. Quarterly delivery of a current export. A discount will be offered for multiple countries. The use of data is contractually limited (no resale). All prices excl. VAT.

CSV export

Quarterly Exports in CSV

Now available in CSV format and optimized for applications in AI and Analytics:
North Data's quarterly exports have become the industry standard for company information.

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