Explore nossos cursos

Red Hat OpenShift Development I: Introduction to Containers with Podman (DO188)

21 horas

Red Hat Certified OpenShift Administrator (EX280) Exam Preparation

35 horas

Rocky Linux for Administrators

14 horas

Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) Exam (EX200) Preparation

35 horas

Linux Foundation - Certified Systems Administrator (LFCS)

35 horas

Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) Exam (EX294) Preparation

35 horas

Kali Linux Penetration Testing (Advanced)

21 horas

Linux Foundation - Fundamentals of Open-Source IT and Cloud Computing (LFS200)

28 horas

Bash Scripting for Automation

21 horas


7 horas

CentOS 8

21 horas

Kali Linux Penetration Testing (Intermediary)

14 horas

Introduction to Linux

21 horas

DNS and BIND: Setting Up, Managing and Securing Your DNS Server

14 horas

Top 4 Linux/Unix Servers - DNS,Web,Mail and Database

28 horas

Running Kubernetes on Fedora CoreOS

14 horas

Go for Systems Programming

35 horas

Intermediate Unix

21 horas

LEDE: Set Up a Linux Wireless Router

7 horas

Linux Administration Fundamentals

21 horas

Linux Command Line Basics

7 horas

Highly Available Services with DRBD and Pacemaker

7 horas

Network Security in Linux

14 horas

Linux for Network Engineers

14 horas

Linux System Administration

21 horas

Virtualization with QEMU, KVM and Libvirt

14 horas

RHEL 7 – nowe cechy dla administratorów

28 horas

RHEL 8 for Linux Administrators

35 horas

UNIX/Linux Shell Scripting

14 horas

Open Source Virtualization Migrating Away from VMWare

35 horas

Developing Applications For Linux (LFD401)

28 horas

Linux Enterprise Automation (LFS430)

28 horas

Linux for System Administrators (LFS301 retired)

28 horas

Linux Security (LFS416)

28 horas

Linux Performance Tuning (LFS426)

28 horas

Kubernetes for App Developers (LFD459)

21 horas

Kubernetes Administration (LFS458)

28 horas

Kubernetes Security Fundamentals (LFS460)

28 horas

BASH Programming

14 horas

Linux for Cloud Technicians (LFS303). Preparation for Linux Foundation Certified Cloud Technician (LFCT) with exam

28 horas

Linux System Administration (LFS307): LFCS Certification Exam Preparation

28 horas

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Administration

21 horas

Lustre File System for Admins

21 horas

Linux Kernel for System Administrators

14 horas

Penetration Testing: Python and Kali Linux

14 horas


14 horas

Introduction to Arch Linux for System Administrators

14 horas

IoT Programming with Python

14 horas

Introduction to IoT Using Raspberry Pi

14 horas

Raspberry Pi for Beginners

14 horas

Raspberry Pi + OpenCV for Facial Recognition

21 horas

Last Updated:

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Cursos de fim de semana de Linux, Treinamento tardiurno de Linux, Treinamento em grupo de Linux, Linux guiado por instrutor, Treinamento de Linux de fim de semana, Cursos de Linux tardiurnos, coaching de Linux, Instrutor de Linux, Treinador de Linux, Cursos de treinamento de Linux, Aulas de Linux, Linux no local do cliente, Cursos privados de Linux, Treinamento individual de Linux