Explore nossos cursos

Structured Cabling System

7 horas

NATO Architecture Framework (NAF) - 4 Days

28 horas

SysML model simulation using Cameo Simulation Toolkit

14 horas

Applying SysML with MagicDraw/Cameo

21 horas

Enterprise Architecture Overview

14 horas

Introduction to Enterprise Architectures

14 horas

MOD Architecture Framework (MODAF) Overview

21 horas

OMG Unified Architecture Framework (UAF)

35 horas

Create OpenStack cloud infrastructure

14 horas

Service-Oriented Architecture: Strategy, Technology and Methodology

35 horas

Introduction to Enterprise Architect

7 horas

Enterprise Architecture in the UAF

40 horas

Systems Modeling with SysML and Enterprise Architect (EA)

21 horas

UML in Enterprise Architect (workshops)

21 horas

Use Case Modeling

14 horas

SysML by example with Cameo Systems Modeler

21 horas

Introduction to Domain Driven Design

14 horas

OCSMP Model Builder - Fundamentals prep

21 horas

SysML by example

21 horas

Embedded Linux Systems Architecture

35 horas

System Architecture, Service Architecture, and Microservice Architecture with Spring Cloud

21 horas

Systems and Service Architecture - Microservices Architecture

14 horas

Technical Architecture and Patterns

21 horas

Practical aspects of UML

21 horas

Applying SysML with Magic Draw

24 horas

MBSE with Automation

40 horas

MBSE with Advanced Simulation

40 horas

MBSE with Model Analysis

40 horas

MBSE with Team Collaboration

40 horas

Ontology Fundamentals with Cameo Concept Modeler

24 horas

System Engineering using SysML and UML 2

21 horas

Systems Modelling with SysML

21 horas

SysML for Reviewers

16 horas

UML for the IT Business Analyst

21 horas

Nato Architecture Framework (NAF)

35 horas

The Unified Architecture Framework (UAF 1.1) in the context of the NATO Architecture Framework (NAF v4)

21 horas

Overview of Unified Profile for DoDAF/MODAF (UPDM)

21 horas

SOA 2.0 e EDA

14 horas

Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF) Overview

21 horas

The architecture of Distributed, Highly Reliable and Scalable systems

14 horas

Last Updated:

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Cursos de fim de semana de Arquitetura Empresarial, Treinamento tardiurno de Arquitetura Empresarial, Treinamento em grupo de Arquitetura Empresarial, Arquitetura Empresarial guiado por instrutor, Treinamento de Arquitetura Empresarial de fim de semana, Cursos de Arquitetura Empresarial tardiurnos, coaching de Arquitetura Empresarial, Instrutor de Arquitetura Empresarial, Treinador de Arquitetura Empresarial, Cursos de treinamento de Arquitetura Empresarial, Aulas de Arquitetura Empresarial, Arquitetura Empresarial no local do cliente, Cursos privados de Arquitetura Empresarial, Treinamento individual de Arquitetura Empresarial