Découvrez nos formations
Building Kafka Solutions with Confluent
14 HeuresApache Flink Fundamentals
28 HeuresApache Kafka for Python Programmers
7 HeuresStream Processing with Kafka Streams
7 HeuresConfluent KSQL
7 HeuresApache NiFi for Administrators
21 HeuresApache NiFi for Developers
7 HeuresDernière Mise À Jour:
Nos clients témoignent(4)
Sufficient hands on, trainer is knowledgable
Chris Tan
Formation - A Practical Introduction to Stream Processing
During the exercises, James explained me every step whereever I was getting stuck in more detail. I was completely new to NIFI. He explained the actual purpose of NIFI, even the basics such as open source. He covered every concept of Nifi starting from Beginner Level to Developer Level.
Firdous Hashim Ali - MOD A BLOCK
Formation - Apache NiFi for Administrators
That I had it in the first place.
Peter Scales - CACI Ltd
Formation - Apache NiFi for Developers
Recalling/reviewing keypoints of the topics discussed.
Paolo Angelo Gaton - SMS Global Technologies Inc.
Formation - Building Stream Processing Applications with Kafka Streams
Cours à venir
Weekend Stream processing cours, Soir Stream processing formation, Stream processing stage d’entraînement, Stream processing formateur à distance, Stream processing formateur en ligne, Stream processing formateur Online, Stream processing cours en ligne, Stream processing cours à distance, Stream processing professeur à distance, Stream processing visioconférence, Stream processing stage d’entraînement intensif, Stream processing formation accélérée, Stream processing formation intensive, Formation inter Stream processing, Formation intra Stream processing, Formation intra Enteprise Stream processing, Formation inter Entreprise Stream processing, Weekend Stream processing formation, Soir Stream processing cours, Stream processing coaching, Stream processing entraînement, Stream processing préparation, Stream processing instructeur, Stream processing professeur, Stream processing formateur, Stream processing stage de formation, Stream processing cours, Stream processing sur place, Stream processing formations privées, Stream processing formation privée, Stream processing cours particulier, Stream processing cours particuliers