Course Outline
Introduction to Oracle Database
- Database architecture
- Relational database model
- Users, schemas, and sessions
- Tools for database interaction
Introduction to the SELECT Statement
- Filtering and selection using the WHERE clause
- Sorting query results
- Data types, operators, and handling NULL values
- Utilizing built-in scalar functions
- Date operations
- Understanding national and regional settings in SQL
Analyzing Aggregated Data
- Grouping functions
- DISTINCT clause
- GROUP BY and HAVING clauses
Retrieving Data from Multiple Tables
- Inner and outer joins (INNER JOIN, OUTER JOIN)
- ANSI SQL syntax and other join methods (SELF JOIN, NATURAL JOIN)
- Simple subqueries
- Correlated subqueries
- EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operators
- Other types of subqueries
Hierarchical Queries and Sampling
- Constructing hierarchical queries using CONNECT BY PRIOR and START WITH clauses
- Utilizing the SYS_CONNECT_BY_PATH function
- Sampling data with the SAMPLE clause
Data Manipulation (DML)
- Operations on large datasets (INSERT FIRST, INSERT ALL, MERGE)
System Dictionary
- Understanding and utilizing the Oracle data dictionary
Concurrent User Work
- Transactions
- Locks
- FLASHBACK technology
Users and Permissions
- Creating and modifying users and schemas
- Permissions and roles management
Managing Data Storage - Logical Layer
- Tables, temporary tables, and index-organized tables
- Constraints
- Indexes
- Views, sequences, synonyms, materialized views
- Stored PL/SQL units
Modeling and Restoring Data Models Using Oracle SQL Modeler
- Utilizing Oracle SQL Modeler for data modeling and restoration
Moving Data
- Logical data copy - Data Pump import and export
- Loading data - SQL*Loader
- External tables
- Database links
Automating Tasks
- Using DBMS_JOB and DBMS_SCHEDULER for task automation
Summary and Next Steps
- General knowledge of information technology
- Developers
- Database administrators
Testimonials (5)
overall a good training that responds to my needs. I received also information about Oracle VM VirtualBox allowing me to continue the practice on my own.
Course - Oracle SQL LP - Fundamentals
I learned complex functions and how to apply them
Ana Alexandrescu - DB Global Technology
Course - Oracle SQL Advanced
Great comunication, Łukasz explained everything in easy and understandable way
Tomasz Wojciechowski - GP Strategies Poland sp. z o.o.
Course - ORACLE SQL Fundamentals
the trainer was very helpful , the pace of the training was really good and the exercises weren't too hard, also not too easy. whenever I got stuck he helped me out very well and made sure I understood everything.
Jade Stappaerts - KULeuven
Course - Oracle SQL Language
the exercises