Erkunden Sie unsere Kurse
Python, Spark, and Hadoop for Big Data
21 StundenAdministration of Apache Spark
35 StundenPython and Spark for Big Data (PySpark)
21 StundenBig Data Analytics in Health
21 StundenHadoop and Spark for Administrators
35 StundenSMACK Stack for Data Science
14 StundenApache Spark Fundamentals
21 StundenApache Spark in the Cloud
21 StundenSpark for Developers
21 StundenScaling Data Pipelines with Spark NLP
14 StundenApache Spark SQL
7 StundenIntroduction to Graph Computing
28 StundenApache Spark MLlib
35 StundenLast Updated:
Viele praktische Beispiele, verschiedene Wege, das gleiche Problem anzugehen, und manchmal nicht so offensichtliche Tricks, wie man die aktuelle Lösung verbessern kann
Rafał - Nordea
Kurs - Apache Spark MLlib
Maschinelle Übersetzung
The live examples
Ahmet Bolat - Accenture Industrial SS
Kurs - Python, Spark, and Hadoop for Big Data
very interactive...
Richard Langford
Kurs - SMACK Stack for Data Science
Sufficient hands on, trainer is knowledgable
Chris Tan
Kurs - A Practical Introduction to Stream Processing
Get to learn spark streaming , databricks and aws redshift
Lim Meng Tee - Shared Services Sdn. Bhd.
Kurs - Apache Spark in the Cloud
practice tasks
Pawel Kozikowski - GE Medical Systems Polska Sp. Zoo
Kurs - Python and Spark for Big Data (PySpark)
The VM I liked very much The Teacher was very knowledgeable regarding the topic as well as other topics, he was very nice and friendly I liked the facility in Dubai.
Safar Alqahtani - Elm Information Security
Kurs - Big Data Analytics in Health
This is one of the best hands-on with exercises programming courses I have ever taken.
Laura Kahn
Kurs - Artificial Intelligence - the most applied stuff - Data Analysis + Distributed AI + NLP
Richard is very calm and methodical, with an analytic insight - exactly the qualities needed to present this sort of course.
Kieran Mac Kenna
Kurs - Spark for Developers
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Apache Spark Beratung
Apache Spark Schulung, Spark boot camp, Apache Spark Abendkurse, Spark Wochenendkurse, Spark Kurs, Spark Training, Spark Seminar, Spark Seminare, Apache Spark Privatkurs, Apache Spark Coaching, Apache Spark Lehrer