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Course Outline
- What is the meaning of Databases. Comparison of RDBMS and DBMS
- Different RDBMS available in the market.
- What is SQL Server? Working with SQL Server Management Studio
- Working with sublanguages like DDL, DML, DAL.
- Creation of Tables, data types, Constraints and their definition.
- Using Insert, Delete and Update statements.
- Using Select Query and its various operators.
- Use of Null, Not Null, And, OR, Between, Exists, Order by, Group by, Having clause
- What are inbuilt functions? Math, String and Datetime functions.
- Working with Views. How they are used for data access.
- Working with Joins. Joins types and getting data from multiple tables.
- Working with Sub Queries. What is a correlated subquery. Difference between Sub Query and Joins.
- What are Common Table Expressions. Using Recursive Common Table expressions.
Basic Computer Skills.
14 Hours
Testimonials (2)
All the various ways Darius explained concepts and then put them into our database tables.
James Rodi - Medtech Limited
Course - T-SQL Fundamentals with SQL Server Training Course
Practical exercises for practice and understanding of the concept, clarification provided for any questions.