Descubra nuestros cursos

Ethical Deployment of LLMs

7 Horas

Cross-Lingual LLMs

14 Horas

Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Google Colab

14 Horas

Ethical Considerations in AI Development with LangChain

21 Horas

Enhancing User Experience with LangChain in Web Apps

14 Horas

Automating Workflows with LangChain and APIs

14 Horas

Google Gemini AI for Content Creation

14 Horas

SLMs for Smart Cities: Urban Planning and Management with AI

14 Horas

Google Gemini AI for Transformative Customer Service

14 Horas

LangChain for Data Analysis and Visualization

14 Horas

SLMs for Educational Tech: Tailoring AI for Learning and Development

14 Horas

Introduction to Google Gemini AI

14 Horas

Integrating LangChain with Cloud Services

14 Horas

Small Language Models (SLMs) for On-Device AI

21 Horas

Building Conversational Agents with LangChain

14 Horas

Deep Learning for NLU: Beyond NLP Models

21 Horas

Fine-Tuning and Customizing AI Models on Ollama

14 Horas

Small Language Models (SLMs): Developing Energy-Efficient AI

21 Horas

Text Summarization and Content Generation with AI (NLG)

21 Horas

AI Automation with n8n and LangChain

14 Horas

AI for Semantic Understanding, Contextual AI, and NLU

14 Horas

Building Private AI Workflows with Ollama

14 Horas

AI-Driven NLG for Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

21 Horas

Small Language Models (SLMs) for Human-AI Interactions

14 Horas

Advanced Techniques in Natural Language Generation (NLG)

14 Horas

Advanced Techniques in NLU for AI

14 Horas

Deploying and Optimizing LLMs with Ollama

14 Horas

Fine-Tuning Models and Large Language Models (LLMs)

14 Horas

LangChain Fundamentals

14 Horas

Advanced LLMs for NLP Tasks

21 Horas

Small Language Models (SLMs) for Domain-Specific Applications

28 Horas

Fine-Tuning for Natural Language Processing (NLP)

21 Horas

Exploring Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT): From GPT-3 to GPT-4

14 Horas

Introduction to Natural Language Generation (NLG)

14 Horas

LangChain: Building AI-Powered Applications

14 Horas

Foundations of Natural Language Understanding (NLU)

14 Horas

Getting Started with Ollama: Running Local AI Models

7 Horas

Small Language Models (SLMs): Applications and Innovations

14 Horas

Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural (NLP) con R

21 Horas

Procesamiento de Lenguajes Naturales con Python

28 Horas

Visión general de Inteligencia Artificial

7 Horas

AI Awareness para Telecom

14 Horas

Inteligencia Artificial - La Materia más Aplicada - Análisis de Datos + AI Distribuido + PNL

21 Horas

Construyendo Chatbots en Python

21 Horas

Aprendizaje profundo para NLP (procesamiento de lenguaje natural)

28 Horas

Python para la Generación de Lenguaje Natural

21 Horas

Procesamiento del lenguaje natural - AI / Robótica

21 Horas

Procesamiento de lenguaje natural con Deep Dive en Python y NLTK

35 Horas

Natural Language Processing (NLP) with Python spaCy

14 Horas

Resumen de texto con Python

14 Horas

Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural con TensorFlow

35 Horas

Última Actualización:


Próximos cursos

Otras regiones de Venezuela

Cursos de Fin de Semana de NLP, Capacitación por la Tarde de Natural Language Processing, NLP (Natural Language Processing) boot camp, Clases de NLP (es. PLN), Capacitación de Fin de Semana de NLP (es. PLN), Cursos por la Tarde de NLP (es. PLN), NLP (Natural Language Processing) coaching, Instructor de NLP (es. PLN), Capacitador de NLP, Natural Language Processing con instructor, Cursos de Formación de NLP (Natural Language Processing), NLP (Natural Language Processing) en sitio, Cursos Privados de Natural Language Processing, Clases Particulares de NLP (es. PLN), Capacitación empresarial de Natural Language Processing, Talleres para empresas de Natural Language Processing, Cursos en linea de Natural Language Processing, Programas de capacitación de NLP (Natural Language Processing), Clases de NLP