Course Outline
Overview of Web Security Testing Guide
- The OWASP Testing Project
- Tailoring and prioritizing for organizations
- Testing principles and techniques
- Security testing objectives and requirements
Exploring Various Testing Techniques
- Manual inspections and reviews
- Threat modeling
- Source code review
- Penetration testing
- Security test integration and data analysis
Understanding the OWASP Testing Framework
- Activities from development to deployment
- Maintenance and operations
- Lifecycle end-to-end testing framework and workflow
- Penetration testing methodologies
Performing Web Application Security Testing
- Information gathering
- Configuration and deployment management testing
- Identity management testing
- Authentication and authorization testing
- Session management testing
- Input validation testing
- Testing for error handling
- Testing for weak cryptography
- Business logic testing
- Client-side testing
- API testing
Reporting the Testing Assessment and Results
- Introduction section
- Executive summary
- Findings section
- Appendices
Getting Involved in the Web Security Testing Guide
- Referencing and linking WSTG scenarios
- Code of conduct
- Contribution guide
- Feature requests and feedback
Summary and Conclusion
- A general understanding of web development lifecycle
- Experience in web application development, security, and testing
- Developers
- Engineers
- Architects
Testimonials (5)
Multiple examples for each module and great knowledge of the trainer.
Sebastian - BRD
Course - Secure Developer Java (Inc OWASP)
Module3 Applications Attacks and Exploits, XSS, SQL injection Module4 Servers Attacks and Exploits, DOS, BOF
Tshifhiwa - Vodacom
Course - How to Write Secure Code
Real-life examples.
Kristoffer Opdahl - Buypass AS
Course - Web Security with the OWASP Testing Framework
The trainer's subject knowledge was excellent, and the way the sessions were set out so that the audience could follow along with the demonstrations really helped to cement that knowledge, compared to just sitting and listening.
Jack Allan - RSM UK Management Ltd.
Course - Secure Developer .NET (Inc OWASP)
Piotr was very knowledgeable and related security issues to real world examples very well. His preparation was brilliant.