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Course Outline
- Basic information about the program
- Construction of the main window
- Operations on workbooks (notebooks) and sheets
Entering and modifying data in spreadsheet cells
Formatting data
- Determining how to display different types of data and calculation results (eg, dates, amounts, percentages or fractions)
- Determining the edge and the background of the cells
- Formatting row and column titles
- Using Styles
- Moving up in large sheets
- Parallel work on multiple spreadsheets / workbooks
Copying and moving data
- Select areas (cell ranges)
- Moving data
- Paste Special
- Autofill cell strings (series) of data (for example, order numbers and dates of the next working day)
Formula, addresses and cell names
- Create, modify and copy formulas
- Circular references
- Conditional formatting
- The address types and their use
- References to other worksheets and workbooks
- Using cell names
- General rules for using the function
- Frequently used functions
- Nesting functions
- Using the conditional
- The Function Wizard
- The main chart types and their use
- General principles for creating compelling charts
- Creating Charts.
- Components of graphs and their modification
- Create your own chart types
- A basic understanding of computers
- Data Analysts
14 Hours
Testimonials (3)
The practice
Course - Excel Basics
some new functions i did knew before, such as power query; fomat cell -alignment-fill
Bella - 弗马斯精密锻件(大连)有限公司
Course - Excel Basics
The guy was really helpful and knowledgeable and i really learned a lot in two days.