Course Outline
- Javascript and the world of frameworks
- Vue.js vs Angular
Overview of Vue JS
- Declarative rendering
- Component composition
- Hot-reloading
- Time-travel debugging
Crash Course in Javascript
- Syntax, data structures and operators, conditionals, etc.
- Creating a simple Javascript application using Javascript, HTML and CSS.
Getting Started Vue JS
- Setting up a development environment
- Installing Node.js and Vue.js
Creating Your First Application
- Working with Templates
- Methods and computed properties
- Routing
Interacting with the Application
- Directives and data rendering
- Applying transitions
- Managing state
Enhancing the Application
- Dividing the application into smaller, self-contained components
- Creating animations
- Refactoring components
Testing Your application
- Debugging and performance
Deploying Your Application
- Building the Application
- Uploading Your Code to a Web Server
- Automating the build process using Vue-CLI, etc.
Summary and Conclusion
- Familiarity with HTML and CSS
- Developers
Testimonials (5)
I liked how Gunnar wrote pretty much all of the code on the fly as we were going through, but that there was plenty of pre-prepared material on the google drive that I can refer to after the training. The code Gunnar wrote based on the sample data I provided beforehand was also extremely useful and also made the training relevant to our own datasets.
Ranvir - Schroders Personal Wealth
Course - Visual Studio Code
Topics that were discussed, lots of live code examples, trainers attitude towards group
Weronika - ATOS PGS sp. z o.o.
Course - Reactive Programming with Angular RxJS
Real-life examples.
Kristoffer Opdahl - Buypass AS
Course - Web Security with the OWASP Testing Framework
Though an online training, the interactivity with the trainer was remarkable and was always available to provide valuable sources to complement the training. I am very satisfied.
Nuno Marques - MULTICERT, S.A.
Course - Functional Reactive Programming with Java 9 and RxJava
Pacing, depth, and explanations were all superb. It's clear Scott is an expert on the subject and learning from him was super enjoyable.