When companies re-evaluate their workforce, to ensure that they possess the necessary skills to overcome the new business challenges or more positively to seek out opportunities for advancement through the adoption of advanced and rapidly advancing technology, they face a decision. Either they will replace sections of their existing workforce or they will retain the talent they have and give them the opportunity to reskill, with the ambition that these employees can then be redeployed in entirely new roles within the company.

"By 2030, up to 40% of all workers in developed countries worldwide might have to move into new jobs or at least upgrade their skills significantly. McKinsey also estimates that replacing a worker can cost 20-30% of an annual salary on average, while retraining an existing employee costs less than 10% of annual pay."
(McKinsey & Co)

'Upskill, Reskill, Adapt and Improve'


At NobleProg we are experts at delivering skills and knowledge in a precise way, targeted to the exact needs of our clients. Bespoke, customised learning events set us apart from other technology training providers. This ability and agility to be able to create tailored programmes is crucial to the success of our Reskilling offer. Further, we understand that Reskilling is about more than learning new skills. It is an exciting journey but it can also be daunting. Our handpicked Reskilling experts are experienced at helping every learner as they progress through the programme.

We will help create a programme that is engaging and realistic, with many success moments built in. We will recommend and can deliver any soft skills courses which may help the cohort or individuals.

We will celebrate with you when your employees complete the course and are ready to start their new role.

Why Reskill?

Two persons looking at a tablet

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