Course Outline

Introduction to the use the text editors.

  • Possibilities of computer text processing
  • Creating and saving documents
  • Securing documents with a password
  • Backup copies of documents
  • Quick and precise navigation through the document


  • The importance of style for easy maintenance of consistency, transparency and aesthetics document
  • Style groups and their use
  • Quickly change the basic text formatting
  • Format titles and typographical resources used to distinguish them
  • General rules for obtaining clarity and aesthetic texts

Letters - bullets and lists

  • Use bullets and calculations
  • Maintaining a consistent look throughout the document lists
  • Quickly change the appearance of a letter
  • Changing the order or the level of the item in the list
  • Changing the numbering letter enumerated (eg, Roman numerals or small letters of the alphabet)
  • Change bullets


  • Types and Applications
  • Inserting and changing the position of the tab
  • Using tabs in correspondence (alignment dates in the document header to the right margin or dotted space for a handwritten signature)
  • Align columns of numbers


  • The construction and use of tables
  • Inserting tables
  • Aesthetics and transparency tables (such as changing font sizes, font size and edges, internal margins and background color of the cells)
  • Modifying tables (such as adding and removing columns and rows, and create headers common to several columns)

Headers and footers to pages

  • Application
  • Setting a separate header / footer for the first page of the document
  • Using automatic page numbering (including numbers such as "No next page / number of pages in the document")
  • Insert information on all pages of the document metrics (eg title, author, or date of update)
  • Change the font and size of letters for numbers (independently from the rest of the contents of the header / footer)
  • The use of separator header / footer (the line separating the content)

Mail Merge

  • Application and possible mechanism merge
  • Preparing the data source (for example, address database) and the basic document
  • Print Merge
  • Printing labels and addresses on envelopes


Knowledge of Windows.

 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

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