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Course Outline
Relational database models
- The structure of a relational database
- Relational operators
Download the data
- Rules for writing SQL queries
- The syntax for the SELECT
- Selecting all columns
- Inquiries from arithmetic operations
- Aliases columns
- Literals
- Concatenation
Restrict results
- The WHERE clause
- The comparison operators.
- LIKE Condition
- Prerequisite BETWEEN ... AND
- IS NULL condition
- IN condition.
- Logical operators
- Many of the conditions in the WHERE clause
- The order of operators
- DISTINCT clause
Sorting Data
- The ORDER BY clause
- Sorting by multiple columns or expressions
SQL Functions
- The differences between the functions of single and multi-rows
- Functions text, numeric, date,
- Conversion functions
- Nesting functions
- Handling of NULL values
Aggregating data using the grouping function
- Grouping functions
- How grouping functions treat NULL values
- Create groups of data - the GROUP BY clause
- Grouping multiple columns
- Reducing the function result grouping - the HAVING clause
Retrieving data from multiple tables
- Types of joins
- Aliases tables
- Joins in the WHERE clause
- INNER JOIN Inner join
- External Merge LEFT, RIGHT
- Cartesian product
- Place subqueries in the SELECT command
- Subqueries single and multi-lineage
- Operators Subqueries single-line
- Operators Subqueries multi-IN, ALL, ANY
Collective operators
- UNION operator
- INTERSECT operator
- EXCEPT operator
Insert, update, and delete data
- INSERT command
- UPDATE command
- DELETE command
- Computer literacy
- Knowledge of any operating system
14 Hours
Testimonials (5)
analytical functions
khusboo dassani - Tech Northwest Skillnet
Course - SQL Advanced
The training materials.
Mona Dobre - DB Global Technology
Course - SQL Advanced level for Analysts
They way the instructor teaches is very informative and effective especially on the 2nd day when topics are a bit advanced.
Aynanie Kiram - Aarki, Inc.
The course built lesson to lesson, and the pacing was a big deal for me.
Bradford Moore - Regis College
Course - SQL in MySQL
The Trainer Subject Knowledge