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Course Outline
- Why, when and benefit/cost of Genercis
- Type Erasure
- Type Boundaries
- Wildcards
- Generic Methods
- Java Thread System
- Managing Threads
- Interacting with Threads and Thread State
- Thread Synchronization
- Volatile Fields and Synchronized Methods
- wait and notify pattern
- join and sleep pattern
- Concurrency API
- Atomic Operations
- Thread Pools
- When to use and when not to use reflection
- Uses for Meta-Data
- The Reflection API
- The Class<T> Class
- The java.lang.reflect Package
- Reading Type Information
- Navigating Inheritance Trees
- Dynamic Instantiation
- Dynamic Invocation
- Reflecting on Generics
- Accessing private fields using reflection
- Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)
- Built-In Annotations
- Annotations Model
- Annotation Types and Annotations
- Annotations vs. Descriptors (XML)
Multi process communication
- Shared memory
- Socekts
- Non-Blocking Sockets
- URL Objects
- HTTP and Other TCP Servers
- Datagram Clients and Servers
- Multi-Threading in Servers
Good knowledge of Java and OOP like interfaces, inheritence, polymorphism, generics, collections, recursive mehtods, using annotations and varargs.
7 Hours
Testimonials (1)
That we got a complex overview also about the context - for example why do we need some annotations and what they mean. I liked the practical part of the training - having to manually run the commands and call the rest api's