Course Outline
Basic overview of R and R Studio
- R overview
- R Studio Environment Windows
- Script Editor Window
- Data Environment
- Console
- Plots/Help/Packages
Working with Data
- Introduction to vectors and matrices (data.frame)
- Different types of variables
- Numeric, Integer, factor etc
- Changing variable types
- Importing data using R Studio menu functions
- Removing variables ls() command
- Creating variables at the console prompt – single, vector, data frame
- Naming vectors and matrices
- Head and tail commands
- Introduction to dim, length and class
- Command line import (reading .csv and tab delimited .txt files)
- Attaching and detaching data (advantages vs data.frame$)
- Merging data using cbind and rbind
Exploratory Data Analysis
- Summarising data
- Summary command on both vectors and data frames
- Sub-setting data using square brackets
- summarising and creating new variables
- Table and summary commands
- Summary statistic commands
- Mean
- Median
- Standard Deviation
- Variance
- Count & frequencies
- Min & Max,
- Quartiles
- Percentiles
- Correlation
Exporting data
- Write table .txt
- Write to a .csv file
R Workspace
- Concept of Working Directories and Projects (menu driven and code – setwd())
Introduction to R scripts
- Creating R Scripts
- Saving scripts
- Workspace images
Concepts of packages
- Installing packages
- Loading packages into memory
Plotting data (using standard default R plot command and ggplot2 package)
- Bar Charts and Histograms
- Boxplots
- Line charts / time series
- Scatter plots
- Stem and leaf
- Mosaic
- Modifying plots
- Titles
- Legends
- Axis
- Plot Area
- Exporting a plot to a third party application
There are no specific requirements needed to attend this course.
Delivery Options
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- Customisation of the learning experience to achieve your goals -
- Bespoke outlines
- Practical hands-on exercises containing data / scenarios recognisable to the learners
- Training scheduled on a date of your choice
- Delivered online, onsite/classroom or hybrid by experts sharing real world experience
Private Group Prices RRP from £1900 online delivery, based on a group of 2 delegates, £600 per additional delegate (excludes any certification / exam costs). We recommend a maximum group size of 12 for most learning events.
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Testimonials (4)
I feel more confident with coding now. I've never done it before but now I understand that it's not rocket science and I can do it when necessary.
Anna - Birmingham City University
Course - Foundation R
Background knowledge and 'provenance' of trainer.
Francis McGonigal - Birmingham City University
Course - Foundation R
The trainer was very concern about individual understanding.
Muhammad Surajo Sanusi - Birmingham City University
Course - Foundation R
I genuinely enjoyed the hands passed exercises.