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OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide
21 timerOWASP Top 10
14 timerOWASP Web Security Testing Guide
21 timerHow to Write Secure Code
35 timerSecure Developer Java (Inc OWASP)
21 timerSecure Developer .NET (Inc OWASP)
21 timerLast Updated:
Flere eksempler for hver modul og stor kunnskap om treneren.
Sebastian - BRD
Kurs - Secure Developer Java (Inc OWASP)
Machine Translated
Module3 Applications Attacks and Exploits, XSS, SQL injection Module4 Servers Attacks and Exploits, DOS, BOF
Tshifhiwa - Vodacom
Kurs - How to Write Secure Code
Machine Translated
Real-life examples.
Kristoffer Opdahl - Buypass AS
Kurs - Web Security with the OWASP Testing Framework
The trainer's subject knowledge was excellent, and the way the sessions were set out so that the audience could follow along with the demonstrations really helped to cement that knowledge, compared to just sitting and listening.
Jack Allan - RSM UK Management Ltd.
Kurs - Secure Developer .NET (Inc OWASP)
Piotr was very knowledgeable and related security issues to real world examples very well. His preparation was brilliant.
Alex Boseley - Trakm8 Ltd
Kurs - OWASP Top 10
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OWASP Rådgivning
Helg OWASP kurs, kveld OWASP trening, OWASP boot camp, OWASP instruktørledet, Helg OWASP trening, Kveld OWASP kurs, OWASP coaching, OWASP instruktør, OWASP trener, OWASP kurs, OWASP klasser, OWASP on-site, OWASP private kurs, OWASP tomannshånd trening