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- Philosophy and principles of Apache Camel
- Apache Camel vs. other integration frameworks
- Advanced features and architecture of Apache Camel
- Beyond the basics: advanced Apache Camel scenarios
Understanding Advanced Integration Patterns
- Dealing with big data: handling large messages, streaming, and batching
- Distributed and asynchronous processing with Apache Camel
- Working with complex integration scenarios: complex routing, aggregating, and filtering
- Handling errors and exceptions in complex integration scenarios
- Advanced performance tuning with Apache Camel
Integrating Apache Camel with Other Technologies
- Using Apache Camel with JMS, AMQP, and other messaging systems
- Integrating Apache Camel with REST and SOAP web services
- Using Apache Camel with CXF and Spring frameworks
- Integrating Apache Camel with databases and other data sources
- Working with other Apache projects: Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Kafka, and others
Troubleshooting and Debugging Apache Camel Applications
- Diagnosing and resolving issues in Apache Camel applications
- Debugging Apache Camel applications: tips and best practices
- Monitoring and analyzing Apache Camel applications
Summary and Next Steps
- Review of key concepts and topics
- Q&A session
- Next steps for advanced Apache Camel users
- Good knowledge of Apache Camel basics
- Experience in Java programming and integration
- Experience with integration patterns and techniques
- Developers
- Integration architects
- System administrators
21 時間
お客様の声 (1)
Easy to follow, despite English not being our native language. Lots of practical examples.