Descubra nuestros cursos
Seguridad de Android
14 HorasCodificación Segura C / C ++
21 HorasSeguridad Java Avanzada
21 HorasSeguridad Java Estándar
14 HorasEl Paisaje de Codificación Segura
14 HorasCodificación Segura en PHP
21 HorasMicrosoft SDL Core
14 HorasPruebas de Seguridad
14 HorasCómo escribir código seguro
35 HorasSecure Developer Java (Inc OWASP)
21 HorasSecure Developer .NET (Inc OWASP)
21 HorasÚltima Actualización:
Múltiples ejemplos para cada módulo y gran conocimiento del formador.
Sebastian - BRD
Curso - Secure Developer Java (Inc OWASP)
Traducción Automática
Module3 Applications Attacks and Exploits, XSS, SQL inyección Ataques y exploits de servidores Module4, DOS, BOF
Tshifhiwa - Vodacom
Curso - How to Write Secure Code
Traducción Automática
The trainer's subject knowledge was excellent, and the way the sessions were set out so that the audience could follow along with the demonstrations really helped to cement that knowledge, compared to just sitting and listening.
Jack Allan - RSM UK Management Ltd.
Curso - Secure Developer .NET (Inc OWASP)
El excelente nivel de conocimientos del instructor, la disposición y su amabilidad.
Luis Antonio Salazar Rivero - Banco de México
Curso - C/C++ Secure Coding
Nothing it was perfect.
Zola Madolo - Vodacom
Curso - Android Security
The labs
Katekani Nkuna - Vodacom
Curso - The Secure Coding Landscape
Trainer willing to answer questions and give bunch of examples for us to learn.
Eldrick Ricamara - Human Edge Software Philippines, Inc. (part of Tribal Group)
Curso - Security Testing
It opens up a lot and gives lots of insight what security
Nolbabalo Tshotsho - Vodacom SA
Curso - Advanced Java Security
I was benefit from the exercises (SQL injection, XSS, CRSF. .).
David Lemoine - Statistical Solutions
Curso - .NET, C# and ASP.NET Security Development
The subject of the course was very interesting and gave us many ideas.
Anastasios Manios
Curso - Secure coding in PHP
I liked the trainer was passionate about the subject and very convincing too.