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We would like to thank members of the OME community for their guidance, as well as M. deCaestecker, E. Neumann and M. Brewer from Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt University Medical Center for their efforts generating the imaging mass spectrometry and microscopy data highlighted in the referenced the use cases. Viv was developed with funding from the US National Institutes of Health (NIH; OT2OD026677, T15LM007092, T32HG002295) and National Science Foundation (NSF; DGE1745303) and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute (CF-0014-17-03). The use cases in this manuscript were supported with additional funding from the NIH (U54DK120058, 2P41GM103391, OT2OD026671) and NSF (CBET1828299).
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Authors and Affiliations
N.G., T.M. and I.G. conceived the project. N.G. coordinated the author team and oversaw the project. T.M. and I.G. developed the software. N.G., T.M., I.G., M.S.K., C.M., N.H.P., B.W.H., K.B. and J.M.S. tested and offered user feedback for the software. N.H.P. and J.M.S. provided datasets for testing the software. T.M., I.G., N.H.P., M.S.K., C.M. and B.W.H. developed applications with the software for supporting use cases. N.G., T.M., N.H.P. and I.G. wrote the manuscript. All authors approved the final manuscript.
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N.G. is a co-founder and equity owner of Datavisyn. All other authors declare no competing interests
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Manz, T., Gold, I., Patterson, N.H. et al. Viv: multiscale visualization of high-resolution multiplexed bioimaging data on the web. Nat Methods 19, 515–516 (2022).
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