The open source Zircon engine ("DarkPlaces Mark V Project") is a modification DarkPlaces engine with a mouse driven menu everywhere, ALT-ENTER fullscreen/windowed switching and 88 other enhancements to support user/mapper/mod coder ease-of-use and optional conveniences for those interested in a "1996 Quake" experience. "csqc_full_width_height 1" in console when running Arcane Dimensions at this time It is hoped that some/many/all of these enhancements will eventually make it into official DarkPlaces. The Zircon engine seeks to keep full compatibility with DarkPlaces so either engine can be used interchangeably.
It's Dungeons Or Bust Time -- The goal is that by the end of February to have a full-fledged "Dungeon Experience" mod completed and to support this a...
Dungeons and "Shambler Invaders" are on the way before Christmas. But first, CSQC Flashlight with Radar/Compass/Secret Finder.
New Zircon version with "eq 2 + 2" or "eq cos(1)", "traceline" command, improved console pasting.
Fangorn Beach Prototype is terrain map with heavy trees and vegetation.
Mountain Terrain Test 1 (Q1SP) illustrates use of techniques for vegetation and terrain blending and other methods for use in J.A.C.K. or TrenchBroom...
Zircon Beta Release #59 features MD3 attachment for Quake 1 models (.mdl) via picking a triangle, meaning backpacks and other gear may be easily attached...
A discussion of Q3 map format issues related to making Quake 1 maps and mods using the Quake 3 map format.
A discussion of optional user interface capability and the road to come for Zircon.
Rain and sprinkers effects in a materials test map showcasing some material effects that are possible in the DarkPlaces engine. Download the map (.pk3...
Zircon #44 has improved video cutscene support, a graphical mouse-driven menu with screenshots for load games, new graphical effect capabilities (and...
2024 Quake Omega Effects Challenge Series #1 of 20 is the Intermap Travel Demo now available for download.
Discussion of Zero Ping Movement Version 1 -- this is a movement mode available in Zircon that allows smooth gameplay with incredibly bad connections...
The Year Of Our Lord 2024. A discussion of probable upcoming topics. The age of engine stabilization has come to a close, a shift towards using the engine...
Zircon now supports protocol 666 and 999, giving it the ability to play demos recorded in Quakespasm, connect to a Quakespasm coop game or host a game...
A discussion of making obj maps in Blender for use in Zircon and DarkPlaces, and a discussion about physics.
Forged from DarkPlaces Beta, twice as fast as classic DarkPlaces, Zircon Beta Release #1 has 100% of all Zircon features plus new features. Zircon Beta...
The Battle of DarkPlaces Beta Has Begun. DarkPlaces Beta -- it is twice as fast as classic DarkPlaces with many improvements. Zircon is based on classic...
How to compile for Android, including the debugging methods I use. How to compile current Zircon for Windows.
Zircon now has a Mac and Android build, as polished as possible. A discussion of some long time "DarkPlaces demons" defeated in the latest version of...
Discussion of DarkPlaces alternate source codes, Q3 mapping topics like infinite background, DarkPlaces "recall" CTRL-R.
Looking at water rendering methods and experiments with monsterclip and r_fakelight 2 plus a quick look at autosprite2.
Spotlights explored in detail including all the "too much information" needed to create one. And a discussion of func_video_text.
Making impossible geometry, the Pac-Man machine and exploring rendering of 2D and the rendering of "2D" in 3D space.
Atmopheric lighting experiments and a discussion of coronas and shaders, including how they work and limitations.
This shows how to test a replacement texture in DarkPlaces and how to clear it to normal.
AI upscaling has been an invaluable tool for helping older games like Quake put a facelift on the original skins and textures.
This is how to record a demo in DarkPlaces or Zircon.
Here is a visual guide of Zircon modifications. Zircon engine is DarkPlaces with user-interface changes (mouse driven menu, ..). Perhaps some/many/all...
Quake3_Quake1 playable single player demo available:This Quake 1 single player mod makes DarkPlaces / Zircon feature available for mapping with a QuakeC...
Something new comes this way within 48 hours or less. There will be a few demonstration singleplayer maps showcasing capabilities.The 2 flagship maps...
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