I am the founder of DBolical and creator of ModDB, IndieDB and SlideDB. My aim is to make it easier for gamers to find great games/mods no matter their stage of development. And more importantly give game/mod developers a place to share their work and grow their fanbase - without being dependent on press/editors gatekeeping the important news sites.

If you have any ideas or suggestions, hit me up I am always available to talk with the community.

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I feel like i've been rather quiet lately, which is odd because I'm working harder than ever before. The radio silence has been due to many things. In the space of a few months I got married, went on a honeymoon, launched mod.io, attended E3 to pitch mod.io and triple checked all of our privacy policies to ensure we are GDPR compliant.

It's been a busy time so it's great that things are quietening down and I can focus on what's next. Right now that means helping developers get integrated and up and running on mod.io. I just posted in the forums why I believe this is important (feel free to join the discussion). Ultimately it comes down to our love of mods which begun 16 years ago when we launched ModDB.com in 2002, and thinking about what the future of modding looks like.

I didn't want to change this amazing community by making radical changes, but at the same time I felt there are many gaming companies which cannot use Steam Workshop for various reasons, and a solution was needed. Hence mod.io was born and working on it and ModDB.com remain my priority.

I personally believe that mods are only going to become more significant in the future, and we aim to help all games and consumers benefit by providing a powerful, platform agnostic mod API / SDK. I'm looking forward to sharing what we are cooking up and working more closely with game creators in the future. Get in touch if you'd like to know more.

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Sample Mod

Sample Mod

First Person Shooter

Demonstration mod profile showing off the power of the Mod DB and indie game development. THIS IS NOT A REAL TITLE!

Start a group Groups
Indie Devs

Indie Devs

1,721 members Hobbies & Interests

A group dedicated to indie and standalone game development.

Literature studio "Creative Flame"

Literature studio "Creative Flame"

64 members Arts & Literature

Show the Flame of Your imagination. New literature studio on ModDB. Join all who wish to read and write stories, in text and/or through modding.



4 members Developer & Publisher

Ignite a world of possibilities with mod.io a API for developers to add mod support to their games.

Awesome/Cool dudes of ModDB.com

Awesome/Cool dudes of ModDB.com

44 members Hobbies & Interests

This is where Awesome or Cool people of moddb linger, awesome people are asked to join, cool folk actually request to join. Are you cool/Awesome? Well?...

World of Infinitas 2.0 (Zero Hour mods)

World of Infinitas 2.0 (Zero Hour mods)

23 members Web & Community

This is the group for those who love World of Infinitas universe and its special project for Zero Hour game (mods). Welcome new members and players!



95 members Entertainment & Press


Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 1,728)
SellFace - - 172 comments

Why is the 2025 MOTY Player's Choice gone?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
The_History_Of_Ages - - 86 comments

please reply in PM, it is very important to me that you answer, the fate of the project depends on this. Restore justice in the community.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Kark-Jocke - - 15,611 comments

And I wish you a Happy New Year 2025!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Kark-Jocke - - 15,611 comments

I wish you a very Merry Christmas 2024!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Guest - - 727,864 comments

Hi. This is my account. My hotmail email is no longer in service. Please, if possible, I need to change my email but it won't let me back in? My account name is


Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Metaltooth - - 2,787 comments

Your website was my entry into the internet years and years ago. Im glad this place hasnt changed much at all.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
.Xan_Yuki~ - - 2,958 comments

: D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Cvoxalury - - 1,368 comments

Hey INtense!, I'm not sure where else to ask this, but could showing (and maybe even seeing) the "<username> - <date> - XX comments" be optional?

I noticed that neither setting my post history to private, nor my entire profile to private, makes that number of comments not show.

Ideally I'd prefer to control what stats I'm divulging and how, and I don't really care about other users' number of comments, so it feels like a bit of extra clutter. I just... don't need this info.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Half-Rats - - 1,401 comments

Thanks for giving me a place to show my mods! Without this site I wouldn't have the following I do now!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Foreskin Jim
Foreskin Jim - - 133 comments

Don't trust a man who hates aqua logs

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
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