jQuery UI in Action you own this product

  • September 2014
  • ISBN 9781617291937
  • 384 pages
  • printed in black & white
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jQuery UI in Action is a practical guide to using and customizing jQuery UI library components to build rich, user-friendly web applications. By working through numerous engaging examples, you'll move quickly from placing a datepicker on the page to building a complete user interface that includes features like a contact form and shopping cart. You'll master jQuery UI's five main interactions—draggable, droppable, resizable, selectable, and sortable—and learn UI techniques that work across all devices.

about the book

You're only one tag away from richer user interfaces — ‹script src="j/https://www.manning.com/books/query-ui.js"›. The jQuery UI library simplifies web UI development by providing robust widgets, interactions, and effects you can use immediately. It includes datepickers, autocompletes, tooltips, and a whole lot more. And, jQuery UI's powerful widget factory makes it a snap to customize existing components to meet your needs.

jQuery UI in Action is a practical guide to using and customizing jQuery UI library components. By working through numerous examples, you'll quickly master jQuery UI's twelve widgets and five interactions—draggable, droppable, resizable, selectable, and sortable. The engaging examples illustrate techniques that work across all devices. You'll use the widget factory to create reusable plugins and discover jQuery UI's CSS theming system that allows you to create a custom, cohesive look for your sites and your applications.

what's inside

  • Create interactions that work on any device
  • Customizable widgets for web and mobile apps
  • Written by a member of the core jQuery UI team
  • Covers jQuery UI 1.11

about the reader

Written for front-end developers and web designers with a basic understanding of jQuery.

about the author

A professional web developer, TJ VanToll is a member of the jQuery UI core team.

A fantastic resource.

Scott González, jQuery UI

A complete and detailed guide to writing web user interfaces.

Gregor Zurowski, Sotheby’s

Excellent, in-depth explanations of jQuery UI’s inner workings.

Linda Carver, Wicked Coursing LLC

Articulate, well-organized, easy to read, and thorough.

Philip Taffet, SOHOsoft LLC
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