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Shadowdawn: Genesis is an expansive action/adventure role-playing game developed with MonoGame, telling the story following Arashi Kageyama and her companion Ket the Blackwing as their band of outcasts works against the machinations of a deadly conspiracy in a world filled with magic-powered machines. Besides making creative use of tools and artifacts, each character can uniquely master four branches of technomancy and three skill disciplines, each new ability customizable for complete freedom of choice to solve the mysteries laying ahead of Arashi and her friends.

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Strayfox Creator
Strayfox - - 40 comments

Quietly making progress on the game for now, but very happy with the progress made since June's push to finish porting the old engine to the new one. Sorry for the long wait on this project; the conversion from XNA and Playstation Mobile took longer to get going than expected, mostly due to finishing up school.

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Anon_Decaprio - - 11 comments

tracking and another thing I got a problem i need to play it NOW

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Hydremajor - - 65 comments

BTW...I was wondering but...What is going on with the project ?

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Strayfox Creator
Strayfox - - 40 comments

It's coming along quietly but diligently, we are being cautious with media updates at this time as I have not officially announced the game with a press release or submitted an actual preview trailer.

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Hydremajor - - 65 comments


=_= smells like secret of mana-ish gameplay and I love that kind of stuff....Fact its on PC is helping a good bit too but I have a few questions I NEED to ask beforehand

1: Since we're talking PC release I guess a lot of peoples are also thinking modding, do you plan on allowing players to mod the game or are you just going to lock up errything ?

2: Considering the type of combat you guys seem to have had going are you planning to give players places like coliseums and other good stuff like that that would emphasize on the actual fighting to earn stuff ?

3: I didn't see any sort of Lvl indicator, is the game equipement orientated or did I just not see a bloody thing I should have ?

4: Depending on your answer regarding the modding, would you believe the game engine has the potential of seeing mods that added to the game new features such as new locations, new characters or HECK even a character creator ?

Tis all I really have to say...

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Strayfox Creator
Strayfox - - 40 comments

Thanks for the interest and the very good questions. Here's my answers:

1. I've been keeping my mod-ability/engine plans quiet for now, I've been focused on finishing the core content for the main game. However, I do think that the live editor I've built in for my own use has potential to be turned into a full fledged creator's toolkit. It's been something I've kicked around with my acquaintances and the ones less interested in the game itself are much more interested in the editor - all I can really promise for now is that it will be moddable at some point. It would be nice to have it fleshed out to be an alternative to RPGMaker down the road.

2. There is a combat training ground early on and something in one of the neighboring cities similar to a coliseum. Unfortunately I haven't focused on the latter yet until I see the balance of the final main game, so I can't be more specific on that yet or how in-depth it will be.

3. The demo vids don't really show the status menu, but there are levels. EXP levels are handled just a little differently in this game as there are 3 paths of training that combine to form your character level, but it's still your typical combination of experience, skill builds, and equipment.

4. I think I answered this in 1., but yes, I hope when the game engine is moddable by end users, it would let them basically do whatever they want as long as they wanted to put the work into the art and design. Having it fleshed out would also help me expand the main game's explorable area at will as later updates.

I hope I answered your questions! If you have any other questions or you want more clarity feel free to ask, and thanks again :)

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Hydremajor - - 65 comments

I actually have two little questions left running around in my brain:

1: are the characters going to have a sort of "class" they are forced to stick to or can the player make them learn whatever he cares to ?

2: the demo shows two characters playing
(one being A.I. controlled)
Now my question would be: are we stuck to this one character or can we freely switch around in-between them ?
More importantly are we forced to have a full team ?

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Strayfox Creator
Strayfox - - 40 comments

No worries!

1. Each of the playable characters has an archtype 'class' but there are a wide set of variations that the player directly works towards by training in the three experience paths (which I mentioned last time). Arashi, the main character, has the widest variety: her base class type is "Fighter" but she has mage tendencies, for example you can focus entirely on magic with the Soul experience path and turn her into a long range magic-user. She won't be as powerful as a fully mage-focused Laura, whose base class is "Mage", but Arashi's potential spell list has utility as well as power. I wish I could get into more detail, but I hope this gives an idea what this game is aiming for.

2. As hinted at above, for now Arashi is the main playable character. She is the center of the story so you can't really get rid of her. All of the party members, aside from Ket in the first part of the game, are totally optional even if they beg you to join the party and you can remove them at any time, so you can play most of it with just Arashi if you prefer a challenge. As for switching around control between the party members, that's a feature I'd really like to implement to be able to keep gameplay fresh, but for now it's not in. I'll get back to that when the game is further along, because I do think it's important.

I hope that gives a more clear idea what the game is all about! I'm really aiming to be a bit more story focused than most action/adventure RPGs while retaining a lot of options for character building and fighting, since there's a lot of the combat and loot-focused ones already on the market.

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Hydremajor - - 65 comments

Thanks for answering thoses few questions !

Most of my questions were more motivated from my personnal experience from RPGs

Most of the time Characters are forced onto a class I might have no use for
(For example game gives me the fighter then a tank...WHY ?!)

My point is the gameplay you're describing shows potential as a game that gives a somewhat wide choice of gameplays "paths", all in all I think this has a lot of potential...

I wish you luck in your endeavours !

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lE0P0lD - - 14 comments


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Strayfox Creator
Strayfox - - 40 comments

thanks so much!

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