101 Keys To Everyday Passion Quotes

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101 Keys To Everyday Passion Quotes
Showing 1-30 of 58
“You can’t colour your world with someone’s paint.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“Stop waiting and start working. Stop wishing and start walking.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“If you want to miss your crown, follow the crowd. If you want to wear the crown, go alone and be yourself.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“Mediocrity is a pit that swallows people who have rested on seats of complacency for long.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“There are three categories of people exist in the world; “the wanters”, “the wishers” and “the makers.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“You may receive a pie, eat it and forget. You may receive champagne, drink it and forget. But when you receive a book, you can open it again and again.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“Take your own route, not the route everyone is using or taking. Create your own way; there is always traffic on the common route.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“There are lots of opportunities in limitations, but it takes a positive mindset to recognize them.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“Don’t sit at home and wait for mango tree to bring mangoes to you wherever you are. It won’t happen. If you are truly hungry for change, go out of your comfort zone and change the world.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“Wishes don’t change the world. Only actions will do that job.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“You may not have the power to control whatever happens to you, but you have the power to stop it from affecting your sense of style.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“Don't follow the crowd. The side of the majority is the riskiest place to have dust thrown on your uniqueness.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“Go wherever the narrow way passes. If possible, go wherever there seems to be no way and create a way.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“People who become successful take every “today’s victory” as a rehearsal for tomorrows trophy.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“Celebrate your achievements, but never let them sink you into the pool of complacency.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“Stop cheating to be rich. Stop stealing to be wealthy. Stop siphoning the valuables of other people to keep for yourself.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“No amount of blessings can benefit you if you don’t take the first step”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“There is no medal for the best beggar of the world. Nobody celebrates beggars.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“Don’t beg for attention; pay attention to your dreams and others will pay attention to you.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“Don’t beg for treasure; create it for yourself. Don’t beg for positions; build one for yourself.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“If you don’t fight for your dreams, you won’t earn anything. If you don’t anything, you will beg for everything.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“If you care to know, majority of successful people in the world were all struck by limitations in one way or the other. What made them great isn’t the absence of limitations; but it was their persistence to rise in the face of those limitations.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“Change makers take risks and are ready to die for excellence than to give excuses and live for mediocrity.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“If you stay passionate and committed, mediocrity will never be eager to befriend you.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“Use your own paint; colour your world”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“Take your current success as the beginning of your journey and you will keep breaking your own records. ”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“I learnt that popular opinion is not necessarily the right opinion.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“If you are idle, ask “why?” If you feel like life is boring for you, ask “why?” When you get into a disappointment, ask “why?” Even if you come out of all torments and disturbances, ask “why?”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“You got seeds of greatness in you. Sow them and reap greatness. You will rise.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
“God is willing to help you with the rain if only you can sow your crops.”
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion
― 101 Keys To Everyday Passion