Divergent Quotes

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Divergent (Divergent, #1) Divergent by Veronica Roth
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Divergent Quotes Showing 1-30 of 1,050
“We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“Becoming fearless isn't the point. That's impossible. It's learning how to control your fear, and how to be free from it.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“I might be in love with you." He smiles a little. "I'm waiting until I'm sure to tell you, though.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“I have a theory that selflessness and bravery aren't all that different.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“Fear doesn't shut you down; it wakes you up”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“Peter would probably throw a party if I stopped breathing.'

'Well,' he says, 'I would only go if there was cake.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“Sometimes crying or laughing are the only options left, and laughing feels better right now.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“I have something I need to tell you," he says. I run my fingers along the tendons in his hands and look back at him. "I might be in love with you." He smiles a little. "I'm waiting until I'm sure to tell you, though."
"That's sensible of you," I say, smiling too. "We should find some paper so you can make a list or a chart or something."
I feel his laughter against my side, his nose sliding along my jaw, his lips pressing my ear.
"Maybe I'm already sure," he says, "and I just don't want to frighten you."
I laugh a little. "Then you should know better."
"Fine," he says. "Then I love you.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“A brave man acknowledges the strength of others.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“I am selfish. I am brave.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“Then I realize what it is. It's him. Something about him makes me feel like I am about to fall. Or turn to liquid. Or burst into flames.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“You think my first instinct is to protect you. Because you're small, or a girl, or a Stiff. But you're wrong."

He leans his face close to mine and wraps his fingers around my chin. His hand smells like metal. When was the last time he held a gun, or a knife? My skin tingles at the point of contact, like he's transmitting electricity through his skin.

"My first instinct is to push you until you break, just to see how hard I have to press." he says, his fingers squeezing at the word break. My body tenses at the edge in his voice, so I am coiled as tight as a spring, and I forget to breathe.

His dark eyes lifting to mine, he adds, "But I resist it."

"Why..." I swallow hard. "Why is that your first instinct?"

"Fear doesn't shut you down; it wakes you up. I've seen it. It's fascinating." He releases me but doesn't pull away, his hand grazing my jaw, my neck. "Sometimes I just want to see it again. Want to see you awake.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“Politeness is deception in pretty packaging.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“It must require bravery to be honest all the time.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“Sometimes, the best way to help someone is just to be near them.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“I feel like someone breathed new air into my lungs. I am not Abnegation. I am not Dauntless.
I am Divergent.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“Can you be a girl for a few seconds?"
"I'm always a girl" I frown.
"You know what I mean. Like a silly, annoying girl"
I twirl my hair around my finger. "Kay.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“Moths," repeats Will. "You're afraid of moths?"

"Not just a cloud of moths," she says, "like...a swarm of them. Everywhere. All those wings and legs and..." She shudders and shakes her head.

"Terrifying," Will says with mock seriousness. "That's my girl. Tough as cotton balls."

"Oh, Shut up.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“Who cares about pretty? I'm going for noticeable.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“...there is power in self-sacrifice.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“Four flips the gun in this hand, presses the barrel to Peter's forehead, and clicks a bullet into place. Peter freezes with his lips parted, the yawn dead in his mouth. "Wake. Up," Four snaps. "You are holding a loaded gun, you idiot. Act like it.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“Somewhere inside me is a merciful, forgiving person. Somewhere there is a girl who tries to understand what people are going through, who accepts that people do evil things and that desperation leads them to darker places than they ever imagined. I swear she exists, and she hurts for the repentant boy I see in front of me.

But if I saw her, I wouldn't recognize her.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“I feel his heartbeat against my cheek,as fast as my own.
"Are you afraid of me, too, Tobias?"
"Terrified," he replies with a smile.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“You know, most boys would enjoy being trapped in close quarters with a girl." I roll my eyes.
"Not claustrophobic people, Tris.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“Human beings as a whole cannot be good for long before the bad creeps back in and poisons us again.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“One Choice

One Choice, decided your friends.

One Choice, defines your beliefs.

One Choice, determines your loyalties - Forever.

Veronica Roth, Divergent
“You think giving you a hug would give away too much?" he says.
"You know," I say. "I really don't care."
I stand on my tiptoes and press my lips to his.
It is the best moment of my life.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“People tend to overestimate my character," I say quietly. "They think that because I'm small, or a girl, or a Stiff, I can't possibly be cruel. But they're wrong.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“For a few minutes we kiss, deep in the chasm, with the roar of water all around us. And we rise, hand in hand, I realize that if we had both chosen differently, we might have ended up doing the same thing, in a safer place, in gray clothes instead of black ones.”
Veronica Roth, Divergent
“Human reason can excuse any evil; that is why it's so important that we don't rely on it.”
Veronica Roth , Divergent

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