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The Death of Ivan...
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Postwar: A Histor...
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Stefan Zweig
“My today and each of my yesterdays, my rises and falls, are so diverse that I sometimes feel as if I had lived not one, but several existences, each one different from the others.”
Stefan Zweig, The World of Yesterday

Albert Camus
“After awhile you could get used to anything.”
Albert Camus, The Stranger

Stefan Zweig
“Art can bring us consolation as individuals,” he said, “but it is powerless against reality.”
Stefan Zweig, The World of Yesterday

153449 خوێنەرانی کورد — 256 members — last activity Jul 24, 2024 08:17AM
ئەم گرووپە بۆ کۆکردنەوەی هەموو کوردانی نێو ئەم سایتەیە، و ئاشنابوونی کتێبدۆستان بەیەکتر و ناساندنی کتێبە باشەکان بەیەکتری.
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