Jeanette Durkin

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Yoko: A Biography
Jeanette Durkin is currently reading
by David Sheff (Goodreads Author)
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Tea with Elephants
Jeanette Durkin is currently reading
by Robin Jones Gunn (Goodreads Author)
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The Pursuit of El...
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See all 5 books that Jeanette is reading…
206426 Books and Jams Readalong — 658 members — last activity Dec 29, 2020 06:54AM
I always enjoy reading books with other people and chatting along the way. Recently I've had a bunch of people ask to do buddy reads. So I thought sta ...more
1183792 Eating Our Words — 87 members — last activity Mar 21, 2022 09:32AM
Welcome! This group is an extension of the Facebook community where members can connect on Goodreads with other members. You can click on group member ...more
1228531 Clearly Christian Readathon — 341 members — last activity Mar 03, 2025 05:46PM
Clearly Christian Readathon What You Read Shapes Who You Become > The heart of this readathon is to identify, celebrate, and promote books that are un ...more
year in books
486 books | 1,077 friends

Keila (...
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6,874 books | 653 friends

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Shannon A
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Carla B...
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