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“No matter where you go in the world, a German will have beaten you there, clad in a sweaty black T-shirt and a smug expression.”
― Poser: My Life in Twenty-three Yoga Poses
― Poser: My Life in Twenty-three Yoga Poses

“I went because the nights are numbered and I do not know the count.”
― Hand Wash Cold: Care Instructions for an Ordinary Life
― Hand Wash Cold: Care Instructions for an Ordinary Life

“He's got this thing about Canada. He says it's like America only with health care and no guns, and you can live up to your potential there and not have to worry about what society thinks or about getting sick or getting shot.”
― A Tale for the Time Being
― A Tale for the Time Being

“By judging others we blind ourselves to our own evil and to the grace which others are just as entitled to as we are.”
― The Cost of Discipleship
― The Cost of Discipleship
“And then there's the perverse joy of subtly working in references to marathon training in daily life, say at the post office or while waiting outside my first-graders' classrooms at the end of the school day.”
― Train Like a Mother: How to Get Across Any Finish Line - and Not Lose Your Family, Job, or Sanity
― Train Like a Mother: How to Get Across Any Finish Line - and Not Lose Your Family, Job, or Sanity
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