Katherine Addison

Goodreads Author

Oak Ridge, Tennessee, The United States



Member Since
November 2014

A pseudonym of Sarah Monette. Both Sarah and Katherine are on Twitter as @pennyvixen. Katherine reviews nonfiction. Sarah reviews fiction. Fair warning: I read very little fiction these days.

Sarah/Katherine was born and raised in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, one of the three secret cities of the Manhattan Project.

She got her B.A. from Case Western Reserve University, her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Despite being summa cum laude, none of her degrees is of the slightest use to her in either her day job or her writing, which she feels is an object lesson for us all.

She currently lives near Madison, Wisconsin.

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Popular Answered Questions

Katherine Addison She and her wife are very happy together. Temperamentally, she's very like her father; if she and Maia ever meet, he will probably find her alarming. …moreShe and her wife are very happy together. Temperamentally, she's very like her father; if she and Maia ever meet, he will probably find her alarming. She wears gold rings in her ears and gold beads braided in her hair because it is the custom of her wife's people. Almost half the crew of the Glorious Dragon are women.(less)
Katherine Addison It's certainly a scene I would love to write!…moreIt's certainly a scene I would love to write!(less)
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In memoriam: Archie

[image error]

Archie Goodwin a.k.a. Catzilla
March 2006 - February 21, 2025

We found Archie in our flowerbed in July 2006 when he was 4 months old. No idea where he came from. We never saw any sign of a mama cat or siblings. He had been out on his own for a while, judging by his parasite load and the other contents of his poop, but he was definitely not feral. So we adopted him.

He was a spoiled brat Read more of this blog post »
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Published on February 22, 2025 11:51
The Goblin Emperor The Witness for the Dead The Grief of Stones The Tomb of Dragons
(4 books)
4.10 avg rating — 68,354 ratings

The Witness for the Dead The Grief of Stones The Tomb of Dragons
(3 books)
4.18 avg rating — 17,519 ratings

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Katherine’s Recent Updates

Katherine Addison wrote a new blog post

In memoriam: Archie

Archie Goodwin a.k.a. CatzillaMarch 2006 - February 21, 2025We found Archie in our flowerbed in July 2006 when he was 4 months old. No idea where he c Read more of this blog post »
Katherine Addison rated a book it was amazing
Cry Havoc! by Nelson D. Lankford
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This book is about the first half of 1861. Lankford is interested in how the Civil War came to happen, and particularly interested in dismantling the idea that it was inevitable, or that it had to happen the way it did. It DIDN'T have to happen the w ...more
Katherine Addison rated a book it was amazing
A Fatal Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum by Emma Southon
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This is a smart, funny, angry book about murder in ancient Rome, and about what counted as "murder" and what didn't. (Most of the anger comes from the fact that killing an enslaved person didn't count as murder.) It's "popular" history, but history t ...more
Katherine Addison rated a book it was amazing
The Destructive War by Charles Royster
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This is a really excellent book that's kind of difficult to describe. It's partly about Stonewall Jackson and William Tecumseh Sherman, but it's mostly about how Americans in 1861-1865 understood the war they were fighting. Royster really digs into h ...more
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An Honorable Defeat by William C. Davis
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My primary takeaway from this book is that Jefferson Davis was a pig-headed nightmare.

This is a step-by-step recounting of the flight of the Confederate government from Richmond. William C. Davis's two principal characters are Jefferson Davis and Joh
Katherine Addison rated a book it was amazing
Governing the Tongue by Jane Kamensky
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I wanted this book mostly because she has a long chapter on the Salem witch trials, but the whole thing was excellent. Puritans were obsessed with speech laws---who gets to say what to whom---so Kamensky has buckets of primary source material: trials ...more
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A People's History of the Civil War by David  Williams
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Socialist-lens history of the American Civil War, with particular attention paid to how many white people in the South actually DIDN'T want secession and how many white people in the North DIDN'T want war, but also a good chapter on what Black people ...more
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Haunted Property by Sarah Gilbreath Ford
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Literary criticism, focusing on the link between slavery and the gothic: "Just as the American dream of working your way to success is evidenced by property, the American nightmare that your success was stolen from others is evidenced by haunted prop ...more
Katherine Addison rated a book it was amazing
Robert E. Lee by Allen C. Guelzo
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I like Allen C. Guelzo. He's a bit of an iconoclast,* he writes beautifully, and he has produced what seems to me a very even-handed and fair biography of Robert E. Lee (who himself never went by "Robert E. Lee"). Unlike Pryor in Reading the Man: A P ...more
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The American Civil War by John Keegan
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This book is uneven. Most of it is what the subtitle promises, a military history of the American Civil War, but at the end it devolves into a collection of random essays on the Civil War. I observe from the copyright page that "portions of this book ...more
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Quotes by Katherine Addison  (?)
Quotes are added by the Goodreads community and are not verified by Goodreads. (Learn more)

“ 'In our inmost and secret heart, which you ask us to bare to you, we wish to banish them as we were banished, to a cold and lonely house, in the charge of a man who hated us. And we wish them trapped there as we were trapped.'

'You consider that unjust, Serenity?'

'We consider it cruel,' Maia said. 'And we do not think that cruelty is ever just.' ”
Katherine Addison, The Goblin Emperor

“He remembered the moment when his thoughts had inverted themselves—that shift from not being able to please everyone to not trying—and the way that change had enabled him to see past the maneuverings and histrionics of the representatives to the deeper structures of the problem; it was the same with the Corazhas.”
Katherine Addison, The Goblin Emperor

“Yes, but one cannot prevent change simply by wishing it not to happen,”
Katherine Addison, The Goblin Emperor


AUGUST Fantasy: This poll decides which two books will go on to the run off poll for the August 2014 Fantasy BOTM.

  14 votes, 15.9%

  13 votes, 14.8%

  13 votes, 14.8%

  12 votes, 13.6%

  10 votes, 11.4%

  7 votes, 8.0%

  7 votes, 8.0%

  6 votes, 6.8%

  6 votes, 6.8%


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