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C.G. Jung
“No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven unless its roots reach down to hell.”
Carl Jung

C.G. Jung
“Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge.”
C.G. Jung

Michael Moorcock
“I think of myself as a bad writer with big ideas, but I'd rather be that than a big writer with bad ideas.”
Michael Moorcock, Elric: The Stealer of Souls

Gene Roddenberry
“Star Trek was an attempt to say that humanity will reach maturity and wisdom on the day that it begins not just to tolerate, but take a special delight in differences in ideas and differences in life forms. […] If we cannot learn to actually enjoy those small differences, to take a positive delight in those small differences between our own kind, here on this planet, then we do not deserve to go out into space and meet the diversity that is almost certainly out there.”
Gene Roddenberry

Robert E. Howard
“I'm not going out of my way looking for devils; but I wouldn't step out of my path to let one go by.”
Robert E. Howard

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