Alba Avila

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“We are two hands of the same clock - as you tick, I tock.”
Daniel Derrick Mwesigye

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Things are beginning to happen, but slowly. Change, real change always takes a very long time. It sounds unfair but it isn’t. It is a universal law.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

“How fitting an end to us. You can't love me, and I can't look at you every day and pretend to not love you,”
C.A. Night, Radiant

Jojo Moyes
“How many times had she wanted to have this conversation? How many times had she rehearsed all the things she wanted to say to him?”
Jojo Moyes, Paris for One and Other Stories

“What’s it going to be? A life of time, or the time of your life? You decide.”
Broms The Poet, Feast

year in books
Nicole ...
362 books | 10 friends

Doug Ev...
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Maggie ...
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Page Gr...
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Hary Te...
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22 books | 3 friends

181 books | 1,301 friends

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