72,758 books
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russian-literature (170)
french-literature (156)
american-literature (132)
british-literature (126)
lithuanian-literature (72)
philosophy (72)
detective-stories (70)
nabokov (33)
currently-reading (4)
to-read (1337)
review-of-the-year (1)
russian-literature (170)
french-literature (156)
american-literature (132)
british-literature (126)
lithuanian-literature (72)
philosophy (72)
detective-stories (70)
nabokov (33)
japanese-literature (26)
psychology (23)
art (22)
argentinian-literature (18)
kafka (15)
non-fiction (15)
austrian-literature (13)
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nobel (11)
irish-literature (10)
italian-literature (10)
japanese-literature (26)
psychology (23)
art (22)
argentinian-literature (18)
kafka (15)
non-fiction (15)
austrian-literature (13)
ancient (11)
nobel (11)
irish-literature (10)
italian-literature (10)

“Weddings are all alike, except for those where gunfire breaks out or the groom’s first wife from whom he was never divorced shows up uninvited with their seven children.”
― The Bad Weather Friend
― The Bad Weather Friend

“Money talks all over the world, but in Dubai, it positively shouts.”
― Influenced
― Influenced

“Love is not weakness. It's the bravest act of our lives.”
― American Girl: Memories That Made Me
― American Girl: Memories That Made Me

“Far be it from me, my dear sister, to depreciate such pleasures. They would doubtless be congenial with the generality of female minds. But I confess they would have no charms for me. I should infinitely prefer a book. - Mary”
― Pride and Prejudice
― Pride and Prejudice

“If you can laugh into the telephone, you must be a very accomplished telephonist. The very thought of the telephone makes me forget laughter.”
― Letters to Felice
― Letters to Felice

The purpose of this group is to read one short story a week. There is a link to each story in the discussion's opening post. You can drop in and out a ...more

All Lithuanians of Goodreads, unite! Kviečiame prisijungti visus Goodreads skaitytojus iš Lietuvos! Bendraukime :)

Romans français et francophones de l'an 2001 à nos jours. ...more

Dalinkimės knygų apžvalgomis apie: - filosofiją, istoriją, politiką, psichologiją (dvasines), finansus/ekonomiką, biografijas, tikras istorijas, relig ...more

A celebration and conversation of all literature that is of the intelligent dark humor or satirical variety.
Olga’s 2024 Year in Books
Take a look at Olga’s Year in Books, including some fun facts about their reading.
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