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series (375)
5-star (316)
youth-school-reading (300)
vamps-and-other-paranormal-pleasure (222)
ya (158)
cooking-crafting (146)

“I saw them standing there pretending to be just friends, when all the time in the world could not pry them apart. ”

“Sometimes I doubt and sometimes I believe. And I like not making myself believe when I am doubting, and not making myself doubt when I am believing. Surely neither God nor Accident need my consistency.”
― I Touch the Earth, the Earth Touches Me
― I Touch the Earth, the Earth Touches Me

Welcome! This group is for people who want to see how many books they can read in 2009. Start the challenge by creating a post with the title of you ...more

Post all the books you finish reading in 2010! Just make a new discussion in the folder "Books Read" titled with your name and everytime you finish re ...more

An online book club with no limitations - read what you want, when you want! Simply read at your own pace, and review the books here on Goodreads! All ...more

A place for Tattered Cover staff to share and discuss books, coffee, and life in general at the book store. Sorry, but this group is for TC staff onl ...more

A group to discuss books and topics mentioned on Books on the Nightstand, a blog and podcast about books and reading.
Jackie’s 2024 Year in Books
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