Lilo Abernathy

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Lilo Abernathy

Goodreads Author

in Elgin, The United States
February 09, 1971




Member Since
January 2014


First of all, I LOVE when my readers friend me! (I'll keep you in the loop on news, sales, and fundraisers; all of which I do periodically.)

The first 10 chapters of my debut novel, The Light Who Shines, are available for FREE here:

I'm currently forty-three, but that could differ depending on what year you read this. Unless some fundamental laws of nature change, I expect that number to only get higher. I am half Italian and half Irish. Well, the Irish side is sort of an Irish/German/English/French/Scottish mix, but since I believed I was truly half Irish until my mother's foray into genealogy, I'm sticking to that story.

I live amidst the Smoky Mountains and can sometimes see the shadows of clouds lyi

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Lilo Abernathy That is a great question! Right now I toggle work, health issues, marketing, and writing. Naturally we would all love it if I could focus solely on wr…moreThat is a great question! Right now I toggle work, health issues, marketing, and writing. Naturally we would all love it if I could focus solely on writing.

Unfortunately, there is nothing anyone can do about the health issues. But it would be great if I could spend less time on marketing. The fact is I have to sell the book I've already written in order to pay for editing and book covers for future books. You would be amazed at the cost and I know this is something authors are hesitant to talk about, but it is a reality as an Indie author. One of the reasons my book is doing so well is because I didn't skimp on editing and focused on producing a quality product. I also can't stop working a day job until I'm selling enough books to support myself.

While I can't clone myself, as a reader you can help by talking about The Light Who Shines, recommending it in Goodreads Groups and through the book page “Recommend It” link, and voting it up the lists. The more people hear about it from readers, the less time I have to devote to marketing and the more time I can spend writing. It also means I'll be able to write full time sooner than otherwise.

But, I’m guessing what you really want to know is, "When will book 2 be out?" I'm in the middle of writing the climax now. It needs to go through revisions after that. So I'm making great progress. I’m also making good progress on earning enough funds from book 1 to cover the expenses for book 2. Things are looking very positive.

If readers keep loving it and talking about it, my time focus can shift and my speed in releasing books will increase as my popularity grows.

Thanks for your question!(less)
Lilo Abernathy Meghan, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I'm working on The Light Who Binds now. Be sure to add it to your "Want to Read" list. I should be able to give a …moreMeghan, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I'm working on The Light Who Binds now. Be sure to add it to your "Want to Read" list. I should be able to give a better idea in the fall. I'll definitely alert all my Goodreads friends of the release date when it is firm so you won't miss it.(less)
Average rating: 4.01 · 1,326 ratings · 220 reviews · 6 distinct works
The Light Who Shines (Blueb...

4.01 avg rating — 888 ratings — published 2014 — 10 editions
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The Light Who Binds (Bluebe...

3.94 avg rating — 362 ratings — published 2015 — 5 editions
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The Binding of the Wolf (Bl...

4.41 avg rating — 59 ratings — published 2015
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The Light Who Burns (Bluebe...

4.57 avg rating — 7 ratings
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The Light Who Destroys (Blu...

4.50 avg rating — 6 ratings
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The Promise of Darkness (Bl...

3.50 avg rating — 4 ratings — published 2015
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More books by Lilo Abernathy…

The Light Who Binds: Print and Audio Release!


Seasons Greetings!

I have some great news to hopefully add a little extra sparkle to your holidays. Actually, I have several pieces of great news.

You may or may not have known I’ve had some struggles finding an artist for the series. All of my artist have produced fantastic work, but unfortunately there are other considerations. Is the work commercial enough? Does it grab the eye? Does it have

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Published on December 27, 2015 11:23
The Light Who Shines The Light Who Binds
(4 books)
4.01 avg rating — 1,326 ratings

How to Be a Wallf...
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Proof of Collusio...
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by Seth Abramson (Goodreads Author)
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Lilo Abernathy Lilo Abernathy said: " Essential Guide to Understanding Trump's Collusion

I have been avidly, and perhaps obsessively, following the Trump collusion investigation since it officially began, because, like many Americans, I was stunned by his election and the clear Russian in
...more "

Mad About the Duke
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by Elizabeth Boyle (Goodreads Author)
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Realms of Wrath and Ruin by Alli Earnest
Realms of Wrath and Ruin
by Alli Earnest (Goodreads Author)
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Cities of Smoke and Starlight by Alli Earnest
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Cities of Smoke and Starlight by Alli Earnest
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Eragon, Eldest & Brisingr by Christopher Paolini
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Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb
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With This Kiss by Eloisa James
With This Kiss: Part One
by Eloisa James (Goodreads Author)
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With This Kiss by Eloisa James
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With This Kiss by Eloisa James
With This Kiss: Part Two
by Eloisa James (Goodreads Author)
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The Prince by Katharine Ashe
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Miracle in New Hope by Kaki Warner
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Quotes by Lilo Abernathy  (?)
Quotes are added by the Goodreads community and are not verified by Goodreads. (Learn more)

“The Paco's Loco Tacos sign on my right lures me in. Not for the first time, I wonder if the tacos are crazy, if Paco is crazy, or if we are crazy for buying them. Well, I personally think a touch of crazy is one of the spices of life.”
Lilo Abernathy, The Light Who Shines

“You have a chance at the rest of your life. And you need to decide how to use it.”
Lilo Abernathy, The Light Who Shines

“The eternal wave of hate never stops.”
Lilo Abernathy, The Light Who Shines



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“I walk the path of light. I will not divert. You walk the path of darkness. You will not understand.”
Lilo Abernathy, The Light Who Shines

“It's fear that drives them this night, and no proclamations of innocence or fond memories will help me now.”
Lilo Abernathy, The Light Who Shines

“The eternal wave of hate never stops.”
Lilo Abernathy, The Light Who Shines

“Civilization is a thin veil over our savage selves, easily lifted by some for personal glorification.”
Lilo Abernathy, The Light Who Shines

“You have a chance at the rest of your life. And you need to decide how to use it.”
Lilo Abernathy, The Light Who Shines

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message 22: by Lilo

Lilo Abernathy Kazzy wrote: "


Thank you Kazzy! That is so nice. :) I hope you have a wonderful Friday too.

message 21: by Lilo

Lilo Abernathy Lanie wrote: "


Merry Christmas to you too Lanie! It is beautiful. :)

message 19: by Lilo

Lilo Abernathy Rusty wrote: "Thanks for your friendship. (^_^)"

I'm glad to connect Rusty. :)

message 18: by Rusty

Rusty Nugent Thanks for your friendship. (^_^)

message 17: by Lilo

Lilo Abernathy G.K. wrote: "Hi Lilo, thanks for the add!"

My pleasure G.K. :)

message 16: by Lilo

Lilo Abernathy Meghan wrote: "Hi Lilo! I loved The Light Who Shines! Sorry it took me sooo long to read it, but I'm going to post my review soon! Can't wait for the next one..and I'm in love with Jack lol"

Meghan, I'm in love with Jack too. I think we all are. However, I think we all want to slap him or scream at him as well. :)


Mkittysamom Hi Lilo! I loved The Light Who Shines! Sorry it took me sooo long to read it, but I'm going to post my review soon! Can't wait for the next one..and I'm in love with Jack lol

message 14: by Lilo

Lilo Abernathy Jae wrote: "Hi Lilo, thanks for accepting the friend req. and congrats on the great review there! A Harry Dresden comparison would indeed make the heart sing :)"

Jae, I'm afraid that out of the three, Harry is the only author I haven't read. Only because I do like some sex in my stories. Not a lot, but I definitely want it there. :) Still, I know he is a legend in the field, so the compliment is not wasted.

message 13: by Jae

Jae Jaggart Hi Lilo, thanks for accepting the friend req. and congrats on the great review there! A Harry Dresden comparison would indeed make the heart sing :)

message 12: by Lilo

Lilo Abernathy Lilo wrote: "Renee wrote: "Lilo wrote: "Renee wrote: "Whenever I'm looking for an animated clip, I just type GIF alongside the term I'm searching for.

For example, if you type 'book butterfly GIF' into the Go..."

AND Facebook needs a damn LIKE button! :) So I can like your post!


message 11: by Lilo

Lilo Abernathy Renee wrote: "Lilo wrote: "Renee wrote: "Whenever I'm looking for an animated clip, I just type GIF alongside the term I'm searching for.

For example, if you type 'book butterfly GIF' into the Google search bo..."

I absolutely agree with George. If we focus on making this earth as good of a place as we can, then those that believe in the afterlife should be well prepared and all people, regardless of their beliefs, will be better for it on this earth.


message 10: by Renegade ♥ (last edited Apr 18, 2014 10:24AM)

Renegade ♥ Lilo wrote: "Renee wrote: "Whenever I'm looking for an animated clip, I just type GIF alongside the term I'm searching for.

For example, if you type 'book butterfly GIF' into the Google search box, it will ca..."

So many wonderful reasons to like butterflies...

I agree about change and the hope that it gives us. I think society is fortunate to have a cheerleader in you and that we need passionate people to push for societal change in this world.

We all come with different perspectives and ideas about what needs to happen during our time on this earth and there are many gifts to be found in accepting and sometimes even embracing these differences as we unite towards what I feel should be common goals re: being caretakers of this planet.

I'd say I'm more of an Agnostic. I believe in something greater even as I don't have all the answers and don't subscribe to one particular faith though I grew up in one. The spiritual/human journey is such a personal one and it is not for me to tell others what to believe but to benefit from the beauty and grow from the lessons that come with each individual.

Anyways, you're welcome for the tips and glad to help! I've been meaning to get back to you on all this but life's been a rollercoaster as of late. I found this quote from George Clooney online and thought you would appreciate it so here it is:

message 9: by Lilo

Lilo Abernathy Renee wrote: "Whenever I'm looking for an animated clip, I just type GIF alongside the term I'm searching for.

For example, if you type 'book butterfly GIF' into the Google search box, it will call up a page o..."

That is exactly why I like butterflies! (Apart from loving the memories of chasing Monarchs as a young child.) Change is all around us and it gives me hope. I find myself cheering on change in society and in people all the time. I'm a liberal egalitarian and I push for societal change on that front all the time. I hope for the evolution of our species and for improvement of the way we care for the earth. As an Atheist, I even look forward to the eventual change that death will bring me with ease.

Yes, I'm definitely pro change and pro butterflies. :)

Thanks for the tips on images!


message 8: by Renegade ♥ (last edited Mar 31, 2014 09:35PM)

Renegade ♥ Whenever I'm looking for an animated clip, I just type GIF alongside the term I'm searching for.

For example, if you type 'book butterfly GIF' into the Google search box, it will call up a page of butterfly gifs and images. If you scroll partway down the page, you should find the butterfly GIF that I posted on your page. It's just an image on the initial page (with all the other butterflies) but once you click on it, it will be in actual motion.

Please note that not everything you search for as a GIF will be animated and sometimes you may find yourself spending a bit of time searching for what you're looking for. If there is a better way of going about this, I've not learned about it yet! :)

I did a quick search for "live butterfly GIF" and different images and animated clips came up. I found this image though it is not animated - it's still rather pretty.

How neat is that, that you have a thing for butterflies and this image found its way to you from me? When I had no clue? Coincidence? Maybe. Sometimes you have to marvel at how things work in this life...

As for me, I see butterflies as symbols of transformation and they often turn up in my life in various forms like winged signs when I most appreciate the message...

Take care!

message 7: by Lilo

Lilo Abernathy Renee wrote: "Lilo wrote: "Renee wrote: "Hi Lilo - Thanks for the add and looking forward to chatting with you. :)


Nice Butterfly! Where do you get this stuff?"

I hoped you'd enjoy that! *smile*

I search f..."

Do you have to put in special search terms to come up with animated gifs.

I do have a thing for butterflies actually, so that was perfect.

Renegade ♥ Lilo wrote: "Renee wrote: "Hi Lilo - Thanks for the add and looking forward to chatting with you. :)


Nice Butterfly! Where do you get this stuff?"

I hoped you'd enjoy that! *smile*

I search for GIF images via Google with specific ideas in mind. I look for things that I think are beautiful, striking, funny or appropriate in terms of what I want to convey. I usually get a feeling about an image or GIF once I see it, a sense of "Ah yes, this is the one!"

There is some truly incredible stuff out there...

message 5: by Lilo

Lilo Abernathy Renee wrote: "Hi Lilo - Thanks for the add and looking forward to chatting with you. :)


Nice Butterfly! Where do you get this stuff?

Renegade ♥ Hi Lilo - Thanks for the add and looking forward to chatting with you. :)

Rosanna Leo Great to meet you!

Z-squared Yay, new friend! Happy reading!

message 1: by Lilo

Lilo Abernathy Crimson wrote: "Thank you for accepting the friend request, Lilo! Happy writing to you. :)"

You're welcome. I've been using goodreads for quite a while, but have just started using it to network and make friends. I really didn't know it had so much to offer. I'm glad to meet you!

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