332 books
99 voters
Allyson Jamison
is currently reading
Reading for the 2nd time
read in February 2024

This is seriously going on my favorites book shelf. I loved it!!! Maddie was just pure awesome sauce. 😆 She's the epitome of a girly girl yet tough enough to thrive in Alaskan wilderness! ...more "

“I fear the name of friendship is often degraded to a kind of intimacy that has nothing of real friendship in it.”
― Anne of Avonlea
― Anne of Avonlea

“I can't help it. I want everybody to love me and it hurts so when anybody doesn't.”
― Anne of Avonlea
― Anne of Avonlea

“We're human. We break things. It's what we do with the brokenness that counts.”
― Searching for You
― Searching for You

“worry does no good. It saps your strength and joy. Instead pray.”
― The Bridge to Belle Island
― The Bridge to Belle Island

Looking for YA but have a hard time finding books that are clean? This group is for you! Our goal is to bring back the safety of reading a book WITHOU ...more

Some of the world's greatest literature was written in America, from its colonial beginnings through the early 20th century (up to World War I). This ...more

Let's kick off the new year with books! Welcome to ReMo -- the official Read More Challenge! *ReMo began in 2019. ...more

I wanted to spend a year reading some of Maud's works and some non-fiction to go with it, so I thought I would set up this group for other like-minded ...more
Allyson’s 2024 Year in Books
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