Erik Graff's Reviews > Hitler: The Memoir of the Nazi Insider Who Turned Against the Fuhrer

Hitler by Ernst Hanfstaengl
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Ernst Hanfstaengl, an early friend and supporter, gradually turned against Hitler, ending as a refugee in various internment camps in Britain, Canada and the United States while serving as an intelligence source for the Allies. This memoir describes his life and contacts with the Nazi leadership during the period the early twenties to mid-forties. The focus, of course, is on Hitler himself and on his evolution during this period. Filled with detailed, usually first-person, reminiscence, this book is a fascinating read.
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February 11, 2025 – Started Reading
February 16, 2025 – Shelved
February 16, 2025 – Shelved as: biography
February 16, 2025 – Shelved as: history
February 16, 2025 – Finished Reading

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message 1: by Tanya (new)

Tanya Karpova Then why was he a friend of him? So many "good nazis" who suddenly "turned against" Hitler and moved to USA and Canada. Franz Halder must be one of them.

Erik Graff Hitler liked him for several reasons: 1. His wife and son, 2. his piano playing, 3. his wealth and social connections in the USA and in Europe, 4. his knowledge of the arts, 5. his sense of humor. Their friendship began before the putsch in the early twenties.

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