Lobstergirl's Reviews > The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide
The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide

"National Socialism is nothing more than applied biology," said Deputy Party Leader Rudolf Hess at a 1934 meeting. Robert Jay Lifton, professor of psychiatry and psychology, examines the role medical doctors played in the Nazi genocidal project. From its beginnings, with the sterilizations of the unfit, the "euthanasia" of mentally defective or handicapped children, followed by adults, to its apotheosis in Auschwitz with the medical experiments of Josef Mengele and others, and the attempt to eradicate the "diseased" Jews from Germany and its conquered territories to cure the ills of the Nordic race through therapeutic mass killing, doctors were central to Nazi ideology and practice.
This is a work of both history and psychology. In addition to mining historical archives and testimony, Lifton intervewed surviving Nazi doctors and surviving prisoner doctors. His interest was in discovering how doctors, in a profession charged with healing, came to be medical killers. For some, the ideology of viewing Jews as the disease of the national body was sufficient rationale. (Of course, not just Jews, but also Gypsies, Poles, Russians and others were marked for extermination.) Eduard Wirths, the head doctor at Auschwitz, saw himself as part of a moral crusade, making life better for the prisoners, controlling typhus outbreaks, eliminating diseases. One of the achievements he was proud of was reducing the death rate among Auschwitz prisoners; Wirths felt he was doing God's work in preserving Jews in this way.(*) For most Nazi doctors there was a bizarre distancing between their roles and the facts of extermination.
Most doctors, in order to become killers, needed to engage in a process Lifton calls doubling: splitting oneself in two, into an Auschwitz self and a non-Auschwitz self, so the killer could coexist with the healer, or the official who made gas chamber selections on the ramp with the loving husband and father. Doubling entailed numbing oneself to the exterminating side of Auschwitz, aligning oneself with the "healing" side, compartmentalizing the horrors from the rest. Doubling was crucial to the whole genocidal project.
(*) This of course reminded me of another jarring example of someone claiming to be doing God's work, Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, during the financial crisis.
This is a work of both history and psychology. In addition to mining historical archives and testimony, Lifton intervewed surviving Nazi doctors and surviving prisoner doctors. His interest was in discovering how doctors, in a profession charged with healing, came to be medical killers. For some, the ideology of viewing Jews as the disease of the national body was sufficient rationale. (Of course, not just Jews, but also Gypsies, Poles, Russians and others were marked for extermination.) Eduard Wirths, the head doctor at Auschwitz, saw himself as part of a moral crusade, making life better for the prisoners, controlling typhus outbreaks, eliminating diseases. One of the achievements he was proud of was reducing the death rate among Auschwitz prisoners; Wirths felt he was doing God's work in preserving Jews in this way.(*) For most Nazi doctors there was a bizarre distancing between their roles and the facts of extermination.
Most doctors, in order to become killers, needed to engage in a process Lifton calls doubling: splitting oneself in two, into an Auschwitz self and a non-Auschwitz self, so the killer could coexist with the healer, or the official who made gas chamber selections on the ramp with the loving husband and father. Doubling entailed numbing oneself to the exterminating side of Auschwitz, aligning oneself with the "healing" side, compartmentalizing the horrors from the rest. Doubling was crucial to the whole genocidal project.
(*) This of course reminded me of another jarring example of someone claiming to be doing God's work, Lloyd Blankfein, CEO of Goldman Sachs, during the financial crisis.
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Apr 17, 2012 10:16PM


But I think it is entirely possible that doctors who go into medicine to be healers, and yet are confronted with the system we have in the U.S., where poor and middle class people have a very hard time getting and affording care because it's so costly, have to separate the caring, healing self from the self that simply can't help a certain number of people, because the system isn't set up to help those people. Doctors I'm sure would like to deal exclusively with medical issues, but obtaining healthcare is also a financial issue, and they aren't trained on the financial side of medicine. If I went to my doctor and said, "I have to stop seeing you, even though you're helping me, because I just can't afford it," my doctor would have to have a response to that that wasn't a medical, healing response. In order to stay in business, he would have to agree that he couldn't care for me anymore if I couldn't pay him. If doctors are ever confronted with this, I think it would entail a numbing response.