peg's Reviews > The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide

The Nazi Doctors by Robert Jay Lifton
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bookshelves: history, psychology, medicine

I'm not sure how one decides how to rate a book on such heinous crimes. I can't say that I enoyed it or that I would go about waving the book in the air recommending it to others. What I can say is that this author offers a well-researched historical account of the genocide movement which began and advanced insidiously during the pre-war era and reached epic proportions during WWII. The questions raised in The Nazi Doctors are not dissimiliar to the issues we debate when considering capital punishment,physician assisted suicide,genetic engineering,mercy killing and the like. However, the latter are discussions for another day.
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Reading Progress

Finished Reading
September 23, 2007 – Shelved
October 14, 2007 – Shelved as: history
October 14, 2007 – Shelved as: psychology
October 14, 2007 – Shelved as: medicine

Comments Showing 1-3 of 3 (3 new)

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message 1: by Ann M (last edited Aug 25, 2016 12:40PM) (new)

Ann M This book made me ill just from browsing it. You have a stronger stomach than mine if you actually got through it.

message 2: by peg (last edited Aug 25, 2016 12:40PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

peg It is sickening. I had to read the book little by little. Much of what modern medicine practices today is based on the Nazi doctors' findings. I came across this book while researching the origins of modern medicine. There is nothing in this world that can redeem the so-called doctors who by oath promised "to do no harm," but at least the available information from their evil acts has been used for the common good; a small consolation in the midst of unbearable sorrow.

message 3: by Ann M (last edited Aug 25, 2016 12:40PM) (new)

Ann M I suppose they might have argued that experimenting on people condemned to die anyway was a way to make the best of the situation. Scientifically. It's a very thin argument, but the whole country was insane, and so were they.

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