Sara's Reviews > The Moon is Down

The Moon is Down by John Steinbeck
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bookshelves: 20th-century-literature, war, world-war-2, short-stories-novellas

This story, published in 1942, was a contribution by Steinbeck to the effort to mentally shore up the countries under invasion by Germany at that time. In a town, in a country that is almost without doubt meant to mirror Norway, a conquering invasion force is subjected to the unfaltering resistance of a free people.

The plot is fairly predictable, because we know how the Nazi’s operated during the war when met with resistance. The characters are more stereotypes than individuals, although Steinbeck does manage to make the invaders mostly humans rather than monsters. They are, in fact, soldiers following orders in a situation that they neither understand nor control.

At one point, one of the soldiers laughs hysterically and says “the flies have conquered the flypaper,” and this would pretty much sum up the purpose of the story. You may win the battle with sheer force, but the minds and hearts of free people will continue to fight until they have won the war.

Lucky for us all, Steinbeck was right.
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Reading Progress

May 5, 2023 – Shelved
May 5, 2023 – Shelved as: 20th-century-literature
May 5, 2023 – Shelved as: war
May 5, 2023 – Shelved as: world-war-2
May 5, 2023 – Shelved as: short-stories-novellas
Started Reading
May 11, 2023 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-20 of 20 (20 new)

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Jill Good review! Will add to my TBR list.

Kushagri Fab review, Sara! Got to read more of Steinbeck!

Sara Jill wrote: "Good review! Will add to my TBR list."

Worthwhile read and very short, Jill. Thanks.

Sara Kushagri wrote: "Fab review, Sara! Got to read more of Steinbeck!"

I have read his major works, but want to get to some of the lesser known, Kushagri. He is an excellent writer!

message 5: by Laysee (new)

Laysee The flies conquering the flypaper is a fitting metaphor for the resistance. First time I’ve heard of it and like it. Great review, Sara.

Sara Thank you, Laysee. I thought that was a very apt description of a conquering army who is now embroiled in trying to hold on to what they have taken.

message 7: by Candi (new) - added it

Candi Great review, Sara! I’ve not read Steinbeck for some time now. Thanks for the reminder 🙂

Lori  Keeton Excellent review, Sara. I especially like that last paragraph. I thought the caricatures were very well done. I could think of an example of men just like those soldiers in real life.

message 9: by Howard (new)

Howard Nice review, Sara.

Thanks for refreshing my memory about a book that I read years ago. It is one of his lesser works, but it is worth reading.

message 10: by Sara (new) - rated it 4 stars

Sara Candi wrote: "Great review, Sara! I’ve not read Steinbeck for some time now. Thanks for the reminder 🙂"

There are so many good authors I will never be able to say I have exhausted.

message 11: by Sara (new) - rated it 4 stars

Sara Lori wrote: "Excellent review, Sara. I especially like that last paragraph. I thought the caricatures were very well done. I could think of an example of men just like those soldiers in real life."

I agree. I think making the soldiers relatable made the horror of the situation more real.

message 12: by Sara (new) - rated it 4 stars

Sara Howard wrote: "Nice review, Sara.

Thanks for refreshing my memory about a book that I read years ago. It is one of his lesser works, but it is worth reading."

Thank you, Howard. It is very short, so well worth the time invested. I wonder why men can never learn from their mistakes. This kind of infringement on other people's rights and homes is going on all around us, even today.

Carter Reads Classics Only books I read from Ancient Greece and Rome 🥱

Kathleen I think maybe Steinbeck was right about a number of things. :-)

message 15: by Sara (new) - rated it 4 stars

Sara Kathleen wrote: "I think maybe Steinbeck was right about a number of things. :-)"

I think so!

message 16: by Anne (new) - added it

Anne I’m just finishing a different book about human ruthlessness but this is a must read. More so because you gave it 4 stars. Steinbeck was an incredible writer.

message 17: by Sara (new) - rated it 4 stars

Sara Lots of human ruthlessness to go around, isn't there. I'm trying to squeeze in a lighter read when I finish the two books already underway. Sometimes the heart just needs a break.

message 18: by Anne (new) - added it

Anne Sara wrote: "Lots of human ruthlessness to go around, isn't there. I'm trying to squeeze in a lighter read when I finish the two books already underway. Sometimes the heart just needs a break."

That's exactly right, Sara. My heart needs a break.

message 19: by Mark (new) - added it

Mark  Porton Terrific review Sara, I didn't know about this one from JS - sounds like you found it worthwhile, I like your closing comment too!

message 20: by Sara (new) - rated it 4 stars

Sara Always surprising to come across an unknown work from an author you admire. I did enjoy this one, Mark, especially when I put it into context of the time it was written.

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