Jeanette (Ms. Feisty)'s Reviews > Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen
Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen

Jeanette (Ms. Feisty)'s review
bookshelves: cultural-and-social-commentary, nonfiction, did-not-work-for-me, travel-adventure
Mar 20, 2011
bookshelves: cultural-and-social-commentary, nonfiction, did-not-work-for-me, travel-adventure
Painful as it was, I stayed with this until slightly past the halfway mark. I kept hoping I might learn more about the Tarahumara people, but it was not to be. There's very little about the Tarahumara, and almost everything about a bunch of self-absorbed, obsessive long-distance runners. I have no patience with extreme athletes. They need to strive for some balance in their lives. The sport is not everything. I also got tired of the "gee golly wow ain't it all just lipsmackingly wild and amazing!!!" reporting style. A little more objectivity and a lot less hipness, Mr. McDougall.
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message 1:
rated it 3 stars
Mar 26, 2012 05:25AM


I didn't miss it. And, I am not a crazy, self absorbed long distance runner, but I respect what they do. (Well, I am a crazy, self absorbed long distance cyclist who once ran some half Marathons: do I qualify?)

Sad that their areas are taken over by the cartels/corrupt government and they can be killed. They are fascinating people.
I'm a distance runner, neither self-absorbed nor obsessive, who runs, mostly solo, for fun and to create balance in my life. I do not represent a minority in the sport. Grace and generosity take place among strangers on trails and during races, actions inspired by the focus and tranquility produced during a long run. I am sorry you have stopped running and did not enjoy this book, but please, don't take your impatience out on others based on their choice of hobbies/exercise.

That being said, I think you need to strive for some balance in your own seem to have nothing better to do than sit on your ass all day and criticize people who have a drive, motivation, and mental fortitude far greater than you will ever have. And way to generalize all ultrarunners as self absorbed and obsessive.
But its not too late, for if you read the book you would realize we were all born to run! So get off your fat, lazy, criticizing ass and start running...maybe you'll develop an appreciation for the hard work and dedication it takes to log the kind of miles these "self absorbed, obsessive" runners do. Get back to me when you do.