Yun's Reviews > The Three-Body Problem

The Three-Body Problem by Liu Cixin
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it was amazing
bookshelves: favorites, favorite-series

I'm going to call it right now. Even though I only just finished book one, I'm certain The Three-Body Problem will go down as my favorite sci-fi series of all time.

This book blew my mind so thoroughly that it leaves only destruction in its wake. Where could Liu Cixin have possibly come up with all of these ideas and concepts? No wonder everyone says this is wildly imaginative. Even a single one of the ideas in here would have sufficed for a book of its own, but to put them all together into a single cohesive epic tale is absolutely jaw-dropping.

The pacing is relentless and the surprises just keep coming. In fact, it has more twists and turns than most mysteries and thrillers I've read. Not only is the story utterly riveting, but it's also insightful and thought-provoking, touching upon science, politics, philosophy, and history. I found myself glued to the pages. I wanted to inhale the story as fast as I could, but I had to slow myself down periodically to reread and fully absorb all that the book was trying to tell me.

This is my favorite type of science fiction, one that puts science front and center and unabashedly celebrates everything about it. There's no handwaving, no hocus pocus. Every point brought up is eventually explained via actual science in ways that made complete sense. And what ingenious explanations they are, sure to stun and amaze any reader.

I found the initial pages, set during the Cultural Revolution, to be enlightening. This was the defining event of my parents' generation, yet they hardly talk about it. How do you put into words the frenzy that overtook a whole country, such that science and learning were denounced, and friends turned on friends, neighbors turned on neighbors? It's like a fever burned through the population, and left famine, trauma, and destruction in its wake. This emotionally fraught experience influences all who went through it, including the characters in this book.

With translations, there's always the fear that some vital but intangible part of the story will be lost. And this is especially the case when the two languages in question do not share a common linguistic ancestor, so translating between them is not as simple as one-to-one. In the translator's notes at the end of the book, Ken Liu mentions that he was cognizant of this and tried hard to preserve not only the story, but also the cadence and feel of the Chinese language and culture in his translation. I think he did an excellent job.

One thing to note is that the official book blurb is quite short for this story, but in my opinion, even that gives away too much. This is a book best experienced blind, so if you're going to read it, don't look up anything about it ahead of time.

What a tremendous way to start the trilogy. My expectations for the remaining two books are sky high, and I'm assured by everyone I know who has already read them that they will be met and exceeded. I have no doubt only goodness awaits me.

See also, my thoughts on:
#2. The Dark Forest
#3. Death's End

The Cretaceous Past

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Comments Showing 251-282 of 282 (282 new)

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message 251: by David (new) - added it

David Awesome review Yun - this sounds so good !!!!😊

message 252: by Marian (new) - rated it 5 stars

Marian Iskandar I just started the book and your review got so me excited to reading it. Admittedly, and im embarrassed to even confess this frankly—I had no idea that the first part was based on real events 😳 I thought what a bizarre way to start a story —and yet it actually happened?!? Gives a complete different context and meaning now. With my physics background I can appreciate all the hard science mentions. Especially now with consciousness coming to the foreground of physics and AI—I imagine this is going to be hitting on these notions. Remote viewing, alternate universes perhaps—I’m ready for it. My mind has already started to go there, so to speak, so I’m excited to see what this book can bring in regard to all of that. It’s even better that it’s in a series.

message 253: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun David wrote: "Awesome review Yun - this sounds so good !!!!😊"
Thanks, David! If you get to it, I hope you love it too! :)

message 254: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Marian wrote: "I just started the book and your review got so me excited to reading it. Admittedly, and im embarrassed to even confess this frankly—I had no idea that the first part was based on real events 😳 I t..."
Honestly, even know I know about the Cultural Revolution and my parents lived through it, I still find it bizarre. It was such a strange period of history. A lot of readers get bogged down in the science weeds, so hopefully with your background, you won't. Hope you love it!

message 255: by Tracye (new)

Tracye Jorgensen Well I'm looking forward to watching this starting this Friday on Netflix and it's got a terrific cast! Have you seen the previews for it??

message 256: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Tracye wrote: "Well I'm looking forward to watching this starting this Friday on Netflix and it's got a terrific cast! Have you seen the previews for it??"
Yes!! It looks amazing! I can't wait either! :)

message 257: by Ron (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ron Plummer I just completed the first 2 books of the trilogy for the second time and am half way through the Ten Cent television adaptation of the book. It's pretty close to the books, though following the English sub-titles makes me dizzy.

So far, it ranks second in my library to Asimov's Foundation series. I believe I've walked away from the books with a somewhat (as much as possible) non-western view of life around the Chinese cultural revolution and requirement for understanding the characters and societal behaviors and decisions found throughout the story.

I don't have high hopes for the Netflix adaptation. From the previews it appears the production is more about playing to a western audience that is more interested in an "instant gratification," eye catching graphics and a "Game of Thrones" fantasy story than layers of complexity requiring to reader to engage and immerse itself into a multi-layered story.

message 258: by Karine (new) - rated it 4 stars

Karine Wow. Sounds great.

message 259: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Ron wrote: "I just completed the first 2 books of the trilogy for the second time and am half way through the Ten Cent television adaptation of the book. It's pretty close to the books, though following the En..."
Glad you loved this too! I'm a bit bummed about the Netflix adaption. I had been really looking forward to it, but the reviews aren't great for all the reasons you said. I definitely have the Ten Cent adaption on my list of things to watch. :)

message 260: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Karine wrote: "Wow. Sounds great."
If I had to point to one book/series as my absolute fav, this is probably it. :)

message 261: by Ryan (new) - added it

Ryan Nice

message 262: by Ryan (new) - added it

Ryan How did you review this several years ago but Goodreads says you rated it 4 days ago?

Michael Barron I just started re-reading this book and plan to read the next 2 afterward. I absolutely agree with you that it's best to go into this book blind. My wife asked me what it was about and I couldn't think of anything to tell her that wasn't a spoiler.

message 264: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Michael wrote: "I just started re-reading this book and plan to read the next 2 afterward. I absolutely agree with you that it's best to go into this book blind. My wife asked me what it was about and I couldn't t..."
Same here! I think even referencing it as a (view spoiler) story or talking about the (view spoiler) within it feel like it's giving away too much.

message 265: by Joāo (new) - added it

Joāo Yes, I enjoyed the time lapse component. In episode nine, of the Game of Throne’s director take- I missed some of the quantum mechanics the book held.

message 266: by Ken (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ken Campbell Read book two (Dark Forest) but you can skip book three

message 267: by Dee (new) - added it

Dee Fantastic review Yun! I have this series waiting patiently to be read.

message 268: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Dee wrote: "Fantastic review Yun! I have this series waiting patiently to be read."
Thanks, Dee! I hope you enjoy when you get to it! :)

message 269: by Connie (new) - added it

Connie This sounds so good! I 've been meaning to pick this one up before starting the show. Hopefully I'll get to it in the next couple of months. Excellent review, Yun!

message 270: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Coco (Semi-Hiatus) wrote: "This sounds so good! I 've been meaning to pick this one up before starting the show. Hopefully I'll get to it in the next couple of months. Excellent review, Yun!"
Thanks, Coco! This is probably my favorite book/series of all-time! If you get to it, I hope you enjoy! Will be curious to see your thoughts. :)

message 271: by Angie (new) - added it

Angie Thanks for your review!! I now am sold to read this after hearing about it from the Netflix adaptation. Have you read the Expanse series? Epic series with Hugo Awards, and the live adaptation is amazing. Based off of hard science as well so when you mentioned how the book is based off of “real” science, it struck a chord with me!

message 272: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun Angie wrote: "Thanks for your review!! I now am sold to read this after hearing about it from the Netflix adaptation. Have you read the Expanse series? Epic series with Hugo Awards, and the live adaptation is am..."
I haven't yet, but it's on my tbr. Though the length of the series always makes me put it off, if I'm being honest. :)

message 273: by WENDY (new) - rated it 5 stars

WENDY ALBRECHT What a wonderful review! I went into blind as well and I was blown away!

message 274: by Yun (new) - rated it 5 stars

Yun WENDY wrote: "What a wonderful review! I went into blind as well and I was blown away!"
Thanks! So glad you loved it too!!

message 275: by Rowan (new) - rated it 1 star

Rowan This book has 1 twist/turn. It has no conflict until 75% in. Extremely clunky and amateur storytelling. I think you read a different book

message 276: by Shavonte (new) - added it

Shavonte Cotman-Russell The show was incredible, I’m sure I’d love the book.

message 277: by Breaker of Bones (new)

Breaker of Bones Chen wrote: "I loved how the author incorporated the Mao's revolution in China as the backdrop reason as to why the character who first contacts the aliens sells out the human race. It completely broke her and ..."

not a spoiler at all, thanks

message 278: by Thomas (new) - rated it 2 stars

Thomas Years after making a comment I'm still getting notifications from the flurry of derps who watches the show and have come to comment on this review. Fuck you Goodreads

message 279: by Breaker of Bones (new)

Breaker of Bones Thomas wrote: "Years after making a comment I'm still getting notifications from the flurry of derps who watches the show and have come to comment on this review. Fuck you Goodreads"

Same its so annoying!

message 280: by Ryan (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ryan Boyd Agreed, this will probably go down as my favorite Sci-Fi read of all time. Excellent!

message 281: by Kai (new) - rated it 5 stars

Kai Mindyourownbussiness this book is genuinely a once and a lifetime experience and i love this review its so thoughtful and i feel like you put my exact feelings into words <3

Léonie Galaxie I agree. There are so many ridiculously silly science fiction books out there, but this one was both original and well-throughout.

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