Treating Quotes

Quotes tagged as "treating" Showing 1-19 of 19
Bryant McGill
“Witnessing a selfless act brings tears to remind us how we should be treating others.”
Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best Life

Will Advise
“I wonder how Japan's futuristic robot doctors will treat the worst and most widespread disease humanity already has - artificially lowered IQ. Making people stupider makes them buy more stuff – so “How many robots can you afford?” will be the big question of one of the following decades, unless we go back to Communism and produce everything for the sake of it, for free.”
Will Advise, Nothing is here...

Steven Magee
“The emerging medical research into treating Long COVID in 2023 was matching my research into treating the long-term effects of altitude sickness that I published in my 2022 books. Amino acids appear to be key in treating both hypoxic conditions.”
Steven Magee

Bryant McGill
“You teach others how to treat you by how you treat others.”
Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best Life

Steven Magee
“When treating a single cancer case brings in one million dollars of revenue for corporate healthcare, you can be sure that you will receive the treatment and not the cure.”
Steven Magee

“How are you treating those from whom you need nothing?”
Jeffrey G. Duarte

Steven Magee
“There was a serious shortage of oxygen administration equipment for treating ‘Summit Brain’ in the workers at the Mauna Kea Observatories (MKO) in Hawaii.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Doctors treating sickened university students will need to factor in radio wave sickness to reach an accurate diagnosis.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“If you are having mysterious sickness for years that doctors have had little success in treating, an intestinal parasite cleanse is always worth a try.”
Steven Magee, Hypoxia, Mental Illness & Chronic Fatigue

Steven Magee
“Altitude testing after treating for Lysinuric Protein Intolerance revealed a much more tolerant body to altitude hypersensitivity.”
Steven Magee, Hypoxia, Mental Illness & Chronic Fatigue

Steven Magee
“Hypobaric therapy for treating human disorders is in its infancy.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I will be remembered by historians for many things, including hypobaric therapy for treating human disorders.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Hypobaric therapy for treating human disorders is one of my many areas of expertise.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Treating Altitude Hypersensitivity took just two supplements.”
Steven Magee

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Few people won’t like it if you treat them the way they treat you. Try it and if you like it carry on.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Slate

Steven Magee
“Never run away from an armed police officer, no matter how bad they are treating you!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“I thought I was going to be assaulted by the police in Denver International Airport (DIA) because of the disgusting way they were treating me!”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Doctors have been treating altitude sickness induced depression with creatine for many years.”
Steven Magee, Pandemic Supplements

Steven Magee
“Figuring out the new altitude sickness classification scheme and how to treat it is huge because it feeds into treating COVID19 and Long COVID!”
Steven Magee