Rely Quotes
Quotes tagged as "rely"
Showing 1-30 of 42

“Relying on God has to begin all over again every day as if nothing had yet been done.”
― Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer
― Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer

“Ingratitude to God does not rely only on our refusal to give the verbal thanksgiving due to Him, but also recides in our inability to appreciate his gifts and potentials in us by leaving them untapped.”

“You should always aim to be your own mouse, Lieam. In already are. You are not so quick to jump into danger as Saxon and not as pensive of mind as Kenzie. They rely on each other too much. Saxon knows he can afford to be reckless since Kenzie acts as his conscience. And Kenzie can linger in his thoughts and plans, because he knows Saxon can defend him. I tested Kenzie earlier. I wanted to see if he would be swayed by my advice. It took Saxon's coaxing to make up the greyfur's mind. Be compleete with in yourself young will never disappoint. Even in solitude.”
― Mouse Guard: Winter 1152
― Mouse Guard: Winter 1152
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.”
― The Holy Bible: King James Version
― The Holy Bible: King James Version
“But it's like no matter how much energy you pour into getting to the station on time, or getting on the right train, there's still no guarantee that anybody's gonna be there for you to pick you up when you get there.”

“People may break your heart and drive you crazily. God is the only dependable person you should rely on.”
― Become a Better You
― Become a Better You

“If you're the one everyone relies on, if you take on people's burdens, sometimes there's just not that much left of you.”
― We Could Be Heroes
― We Could Be Heroes

“Logic, reason, and common sense are your best tools for synthesizing reality and understanding what to do about it. Be wary of relying on anything else. Unfortunately, numerous tests by psychologists show that the majority of people follow the lower-level path most of the time, which leads to inferior decisions without their realizing it. As Carl Jung put it, “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” It’s even more important that decision making be evidence-based and logical when groups of people are working together. If it’s not, the process will inevitably be dominated by the most powerful rather than the most insightful participants, which is not only unfair but suboptimal. Successful organizations have cultures in which evidence-based decision making is the norm rather than the exception.”
― Principles: Life and Work
― Principles: Life and Work

“We dig wells that are less than a stone’s throw away from bubbling springs because we think that digging the well means that we don’t need to rely on the God Who created the spring. Either way, He created the water in both.”
“We should totally rely on God, then our success will always be stable and nothing would be able to shake it”
“Children who can rely on an adult from birth will be able to rely on themselves when they get older—particularly because they will know when to seek the counsel or comfort of a trusted other.”
― Raising a Secure Child: How Circle of Security Parenting Can Help You Nurture Your Child's Attachment, Emotional Resilience, and Freedom to Explore
― Raising a Secure Child: How Circle of Security Parenting Can Help You Nurture Your Child's Attachment, Emotional Resilience, and Freedom to Explore

“To rely on our own energy to sustain us is a ‘set-up’ that will be rather quickly followed by a ‘falling down.’ And to avoid either, I must engage God.”

“Don’t rely on previous valiance to carry you over to the next day. This traps you in the past. Every day can be the best day of your life. Your best days are ahead of you.”

“It would be a wonderful thing if USA police officers were trained to rely on their bullet proof vests instead of their guns.”

“Never depend on others; rely on your self-confidence since it is a route to the destination of success.”
“A non-disabled person who pretends to be one, only to rely on begging, has unwittingly allowed poverty to monopolise his destiny.”

“In the dictionary of those who do not expect anything, there is no expression like ‘shattered expectations.”
― Before You Doubt Yourself: Pep Talks and other Crucial Discussions
― Before You Doubt Yourself: Pep Talks and other Crucial Discussions
“A non-disabled person who pretends to be one, only to rely on begging, has unwittingly allowed poverty to monopolise his destiny.”
“That's taught me I can't rely on someone else to give me encouragement ment or confidence. It's nice if I can get it sometimes, times, but I can't rely on it. I have to rely on myself, and climbing with men has taught me that.”
― Women Who Dare
― Women Who Dare

“Lower your expectations from others, and raise your self reliance.”
― These Words Pour Like Rain
― These Words Pour Like Rain
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